I present to you.....a [b][i]Deputy[/i][/b]! [hider=Jack Hathoway] [b]Name:[/b] Jack Hathoway [b]Nickname:[/b] The Greenhorn [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance:[/b] A young Caucasian man, standing at 6'1" and weighting 160 lbs, Jack is quite plain in his appearance. His skin is slightly tanned due to constantly being out in the sun, which compliments the stubble on his face and his dark blue eyes. His hair is short, messy, and brown, the 'typical' look of a young Caucasian man. [b]Outfit:[/b] (Couldn't really explain it well because I'm kind of dumb, so here's the best picture I could get. Pretend a Deputy badge is there.) [hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/5a/0b/29/5a0b29a4e72c8155f9609eca2faa6702.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Occupation(s):[/b] Deputy and Aspiring Gunslinger [b]Biography:[/b] The son of a farming family, Jack never enjoyed the simple lifestyle of living out in the homestead, tending the crops and raising cattle. The memories are fuzzy, but at some point in time during is preteen years, he decided to head out for adventure. The journey wasn't easy, but he was lucky to finally stumble by a nearby city. It was here that Jack found other kids just like him. With a large group together with a common goal, they became street urchins, committing petty crimes, and becoming a down-right nuisance. For years Jack lived out in the streets, stealing, lying, and sneaking his way out of situations. Life was good. Everything changed for Jack when a fellow gang-member(and founder, Howard O'Connor)killed a man when he started to attack the boys for stealing a precious item of his. The Law was close on their tail, with Jack and his peer running for their lives. Unfortunately, both the boys were caught, and sent to jail. Although it was clear that Jack never committed the crime, nor' was he involved in it in any way, he was still charged with guilt by association. The local Sheriff, having known Jack in an almost personal level(due to taking him down to the station many times), did the least he could do; a public whipping. Half a month after said events, Jack was soon released, and had a sudden change of heart. Quickly denouncing his old ways, much to the anger of his gang-mates, Jack tried many ways to search for a regular job. Of course, he found one at a local saloon, cleaning dishes. It was not until he reached the matured age of nineteen did his lust for adventure return. This time, Jack went on to ask the Sheriff for a favor; to help him become a Deputy. To this day, Jack has shown to be a loyal and gentlemanly character...though the memories of his past still haunt him, for he has never heard of Howard O'Connor and his old gang ever since. Jack is currently looking for a way to go out into the wild and seek a teacher, not only to see the world for himself, but to become independent from the law enforcement; as a Gunslinger. [b]Equipment:[/b] A golden pocket-watch, a Winchester Model 1873 slung over his back with a bandoleer(Ammo - X), and a law-enforcement issued Colt Action Single Army revolver(Ammo - X). [b]Skills and Flaws:[/b] [color=0072bc][b]God's Luck - [i]"The Lord himself has touched this boy's soul.":[/i][/b][/color] A stroke of luck is all it takes to change a life-or-death situation in your favor. Jack is known to get away with things no regular man should, earning him a reputation in his city as being almost untouchable. Even if that's not the case, you gotta admit....he's a lucky son-of-a-gun. [color=0072bc][b]Expert Brawler - [i]"That boy may not look like the toughest nail in the box, but he can pack one hell of a punch!":[/i][/b][/color] In his early days as a street urchin, Jack was taught how to brawl in case things went south for him. Learning wasn't easy, but it paid out in the end. When it comes to a fist fight, Jack knows just how to knock a bigger man flat on his ass better than anyone else. [color=ed1c24][b]Scarred on the back - [i]"He's a fine young gentleman, but not every good person is born a saint":[/i][/b][/color] Jack's only real tough times were the ones as a street urchin. Before he originally became a Deputy, he was infamous for stealing, pickpocketing, and other shenanigans. It wasn't until he was caught in the vicinity of a fellow street urchin's action of murder that he decided to change his ways. Public lashings usually don't leave your memory. [color=ed1c24][b]Shy Fella' - [i]"What do you mean you have to use the bathroom? This will be the eight time you've gone, what is wrong with you!?":[/i][/b][/color] Unfortunately for Jack, making friends is not his specialty. Although it is very clear and apparent that he has a good heart with pure intentions, his approach is not always the best. Of course, it can be something fixed, but just how long will that take? [/hider]