[hr][hr][centre][h1][color=f7941d]Manky Connelly[/color][/h1][/centre][hr][hr] [centre] [u]Time:[/u] 11am [u]Location:[/u]Lakeside [u]Interacting with:[/u] Seamus [@TheIrishJJ] Lexi [@HushedWhispers] Esme [@guineamania]Grant [@Universorum] Everyone else at lake side but this 4 directly[/centre] [hr] [quote=@TheIrishJJ] [colour=007236]"What's the craic? Here's that lighter you wanted,"[/colour] [/quote] “ Nice one mate, you’re on me.” He said, giving Seamus a nod as he pulled out a joint from his tin case. He closed the case and put it back inside his backpack. He lit the joint and breathed deeply as Lexi was discussing the next party. [quote=@HushedWhispers] [color=577ff0][b]"I am thinking about throwing a bash! Hm, thinking Black Light Party or Beach Wear? Or both?!"[/b][/color] [/quote] [color=f7941d]" I swear, it's never just a party is it? There's always some kind ah gimmick, int thuh? S’long as ah can get pissed an’ stoned am ‘appy, anyway”[/color] Manky really didn’t care about ‘Black Light Party’ or ‘Beach Wear’. He just cared about when and where. He took another long drag from the joint before taking a couple steps toward Seamus and reaching out his hand to pass the joint to his Irish friend. He'd have to light another one soon. The few drags he took had not got him anywhere near the state of stoned. [color=f7941d]" E’yar, Seamus, tek that, mate. Ah, nice one Esme, I’ll tek one o’ them.”[/color] He said, eyeing the muffins Esme had produced. He took the biggest one he could see, and took a bite from the top. [color=f7941d]" Now this, this is a good fuckin’ muffin, ah needed this. Cheers, Esme.”[/color] He then turned his attention towards Grants offerings of drugs. Manky and Grant had never been especially close, but they’d never had issues with each other. Up until recently. More and more Manky was beginning to think Grant was a complete dickhead. Although Manky wouldn’t even admit to himself that it was just because Grant was having sex with Manky’s ex. Manky had done everything to convince himself he wasn’t bothered about it. [quote=@Universorum] “[color=#ff4800]So, a party, huh? I can provide alcohol and the… [i]party favors[/i], if ya know what I mean. I know a guy, just let me know what you want today. The standard is pot, so I’ll bring that no matter what… If we’re doing a black light shindig, maybe a couple of tabs of acid, a few x pills…[/color]” [/quote] [color=f7941d] “ Am good mate. Ah just stick to the 3 Bs: [b]Baccy, Booze, and Bud.[/b] Least ah know what mah poison’s doin’ ta me."[/color]