[center][hr][hr][colour=007236][h1]Séamus Ruaidhrí Whelan[/h1][hr][hr][/colour] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 11 A.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Lakeside [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Manky - [@OfficerHeadbutt] | Jacen - [@Prudence] | Lexi - [@HushedWhispers] | Esme - [@guineamania][hr][/center] Séamus listened as Lexi suggested a party. [quote=@HushedWhispers] [color=577ff0][b]"I am thinking about throwing a bash! Hm, thinking Black Light Party or Beach Wear? Or both?!"[/b][/color] [/quote] [colour=007236]"Ah, a party's never a bad idea. Just gives me another excuse to take my shirt off and have alcohol!"[/colour] Séamus exclaimed before giving out a chuckle. Séamus then accepted Jacen's half hug, and was confused as to what he had to say. [quote=@Prudence] [color=0054a6] "Infidelity."[/color] [/quote] [colour=007236]"What?"[/colour] he asked, before turning to look at Erin, [colour=007236]"Erin wouldn't do something like that, right?"[/colour] Séamus wanted to comfort Jacen, but he didn't quite know how. [quote=@Prudence] [color=0054a6]"What're you doing today buddy? Feel like going to do something we'll regret later?" [/color] [/quote] [colour=007236]"Ahh, you know I'm up for anything,"[/colour] Séamus told Jacen. Jacen only thought that Séamus always accepted doing things with him because they we're best friends, but in reality, it was also because Séamus fancied Jacen. Of course, Jacen would never know that, because thankfully Séamus was the only one who knew. After attempting to comfort Jacen, Séamus turned his attention to Esme, who he could see had muffins. [quote=@guineamania] [color=82ca9d]"I swear he's determined you guys won't eat if he doesn't feed you,"[/color] [/quote] [colour=007236]"Not to worry, Esme, if I don't get something to eat, I'm literally going to die,"[/colour] he told her, quoting Archer. He grabbed a muffin and started eating it. He loved the taste, but knew that he'd have to make sure to go to the gym the next day. He wanted to make sure that he stayed fit, and he was actually tying to get fitter. Esme's muffins didn't help. [quote=@guineamania] [color=82ca9d]"But of course you don't have to eat them. I'm sure we'll find a use for them if you don't,"[/color] [/quote] [colour=007236]"Oh no, there's a use for them right here,"[/colour] he told Esme, before taking another muffin. [quote=@OfficerHeadbutt] [color=f7941d]"E’yar, Seamus, tek that, mate.”[/color] [/quote] Séamus took the joint from Manky, and took a long drag, [colour=007236]"Ah, that definitely hits the spot in the morning,"[/colour] he told him. He turned to Jacen, [colour=007236]"You want a drag?"[/colour] he asked him.