With drooped ears and his head hanging low, Gurjan quietly listened to his commander's admonishment. She seemed to have some understanding as to his reasoning, but quite rigtfully took issue with him overstepping both his rank and his conduct. Still, the disciplinary action given to him could have been worse... Or at least that's what he thought when he reported to chief grayson. Gurjan had learned two things today. Firstly, it was surprising how small an object could cause a catastrophic engine blowout, and secondly, there were a lot of nooks and crannies were such insignificant-seeming things could accidentally end up. His fur was now covered in grease stains from crawling around in said nooks and crannies, it was quite a horribly sticky feeling, and he longed for a thorough shower. Still, Commander Erien had told him to report to the mess hall first, and so that's where he was headed first. He walked into the mess hall rather nonchalantly, he didn't expect news of the incident to have spread here already, true to his guess, most just continued going about their business, with a few stealing a sideways glance at what he assumed was his filth-covered fur. It didn't take him long to fill a plate for himself and find his way to the rest of the squad, or at least those who were still there eating. He took a seat somewhat awkwardly, if anyone in this room would give him shit about earlier, it would be one of them.