Rhyn's mouth scrunched into a scowl as she glared at the seaweed plant in front of her. It was a tasty morsel that, once she saw, she knew she wanted for breakfast. With a growl, she planted her feet on the coral that had the weed ensnared, and grabbed as close to the coral as she could. She tried to wiggle it around with her new leverage, but the plant didn't budge. With a grunt, she yanked it as hard as she could, and she and the plant shot out from the coral outcropping. She laughed as she drifted backwards, the seaweed trailing in front of her body. She ripped off one of the large leaves and shoved it into her mouth. She chewed as she put the plant in a small satchel she had slung over her shoulder; she had weaved it from other, less edible seaweeds a few days ago. She kicked her slightly-webbed feet slowly to get back to the outcroppings surface, and looked up to the brightening surface. She savored the salty, refreshing taste of the seaweed as she looked for her vessel. She didn't like to leave it unattended for long. Although she kept her most valuable possessions in a hidden compartment (that had taken her more than a year to stumble upon, it was so out of the way), like her sword, star-map to Three Tress, rope, and any food she had collected, she had more than once came back to her boat to find a few of her other things missing. It only happened when she dove deep enough to lose sight of [i]The Roiling Maiden[/i], because it was the only time she left it long enough. It was very rare to come across another boat when she was far from Three Trees, but where she was now, a known channel that will eventually drift to the city, it was not unheard of to find another group going the same direction. As she spied her boat, she didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so she turned her attention back to breakfast. She grabbed her harpoon from where she had wedged it between coral and turned her attention below her. Lavender fingers gripped the outcropping before the half-elf propelled herself downward. Her body floated outward until she was parallel with the surface and she used her arms to move around the outcropping. She was searching for the mussels and crustaceans that hid inside of the reef. She found a promising crack and backed away from it so her shadow wouldn't scare whatever was inside. She wiggled her finger in front of it, before taking it away and doing it again. After a few attempts, something shot out of the hole and bit her finger. Her hand immediately wrapped around it, and she saw it was a cute little spotted crab. She cooed at it before she harshly cracked it against the coral it once called home. Stunned, it stopped struggling, and then she stabbed its face with her harpoon to put it out of its misery. She buried the creature in her seaweed to hold it and looked in the bad. At the bottom was a lucky catch from earlier that morning, an eel around 18 inches long, and she decided that she had enough and started to drift to the surface. As she rose, more of the surface came into her view from behind the coral outcropping, and she gasped as she saw [i]several[/i] other vessels drifting in the vicinity. They were a decent distance from her own boat, but [i]The Roiling Maiden[/i] looked to be coming into their view. She cursed to herself in her native tongue, and began actively swimming to her vessel. She was there quickly, she was an extremely talented swimmer after all, and surfaced on the side opposite the other vessels. She grabbed one of the ropes trailing in the water and climbed up the side, keeping low on the railing and staying crouched once she touched the deck. Water dripped off her freckled skin and spattered on the dry wood as moved forward to the other side of the boat and finally looked over the other railing to the vessels in the distance. They were close enough now to have seen her, and were closer than she to Three Tress. So, unless they too were traveling toward the city, she would most likely come across them. Finally, she stood, and put her satchel with her other belongings and grabbed a shirt at the same time. She pulled the loose white shirt over her head before she went toward the center of the boat. She unfurled her sail and, and after a few grunts and heaves, her boat was ready to pass the others by. Sometimes, if other boats were willing to trade, she would, but she didn't have much except for her crab and a few clams. She had enough of the seaweed she would trade it, but the surfaces races were dehydrated by the briny plant quickly. So she didn't necessarily plan to stop, but she kept her eyes open and in the direction of the other vessels.