[@Brithwyr]Definitely seeing the Fallout vibes (also the conservative in power have the last name of O'Rely :lol). However, there are some issues: 1) Reduce the size of your claims; I know for a fact that someone is going to be North Carolina. 2) It feels just a bit [i]too[/i] utopian. Like I said before, most nations are either tribal or some bastardization of the USA; your's kinda feels a little too perfect or at least the way you described it. 3) Once again, modern technology is a dream long gone. None can really reproduce anything close to modern tech or even Cold War era tech. And as for your power, while rudimentary industrial revolution water power and simple windmills I can allow, I cannot allow solar. As state before, they are too advanced for anyone to just pump out and its the same story with things like modern windmills and hydropower plants. 4) For the last bit, the Talons sound less like the CIA and more like SEALs; the CIA is the US's intelligence services and the way your described them sounds a lot more like elite special forces. Also, I recommend changing the name of the Talon Company as they are not a company but an official organization.