Lizzy smiled at Iowa's comment, but she kept her helmet on to shield it. As it was, the Director glanced in their direction before continuing his address to the assembled freelancers. "You are the first group of freelancers to be admitted to the program, and as such you will be the first to experience the full preparation the Freelancer program can provide. Beginning tomorrow morning, all of you will be subject to fitness tests that will enable us to see the extent of your aptitude at a variety of skills. Once you have been assessed on your abilities, we will be conducting a series of training exercises where you will face off against your fellow freelancers. At the conclusion of the training exercises, ranks will be given according to your scores. Each mission you complete after these initial ranks are given will adjust your placement on the list and determine the amount and difficulty of the missions you are assigned to in the future." The Director finally paused, flicking his gaze from helmet to face in the room. "Please take these training exercises seriously. They will be the first step toward determining your career with Project Freelancer." The Counselor stepped forward and addressed the room in his soft, halting voice, denoting the end of the Director's speech. "The order of fitness exams will be listed in the locker room by 17:00. If there are no questions, you are free to go. Oh, and welcome to Project Freelancer."