[color=007236][b]New York Slums: Vinnie's Gym[/b][/color] Miro sniffed the vanilla scent one more time, before leaving the third plate on the table, with pancakes neatly stacked in a rather sizable tower of sugary death. After some pondering, he added the syrupy final touch, just as he heard yells and screams from the shower. Miro tensed for a second, until he heard the carefree giggling of two of the girls, followed by a towel slap and a squeal. [i]Oookay...[/i] Miro's mind quickly raced to imagine what kind of ...peculiar situation that one was, but clearing his throat, he composed himself. Just as he eyed the third of the strays already eating his pancakes, with a bad case of bedhead, and eyes half open as she devoured her breakfast like she had not eaten in days. She [i]probably hadn't eaten in days.[/i] "So noisy..." the girl mumbled as she drank a glass of milk that had been deposited next to her. "Hmpf." Miro grumped as he shrugged his arms in response, leaving the dirty dishes in the sink. He was decent cooking, but he was a bit of a slacker when it came to cleaning. "Thanks for the bed and breakfast, Miro." The girl droned as the youth scowled, looking away from her face. Who wouldn't give them a bed and breakfast, knowing the situation the girls were in? Miro was about to make a retort, when the other two girls appeared, homing on the scent of recently made pancakes. Wearing nothing but towels and underwear. Miro decided he had enough, so he grabbed a couple of bars, while trying to reign all the conflicting signals he was receiving, his eyes glued on his feet. Time to get the hell out of there. Parkour training. Yes, parkour seemed a good idea. "Maybe he's gay?" One of the girls muttered as she started to eat his pancakes. [hr] [@Massasauga][color=007236][b]New York Slums: Junkyard[/b][/color] This kind of environment was a good thing for a [i]traceur[/i], Miro thought as he stretched, eyeing the assorted scraps and mounds everywhere. Irregular structures, breakable surfaces, and basically, no one to disturb him. He breathed deep and started his run. First a climb, then a jump, then a side roll. Then a wallkick. He kept going and going. And then he jumped on one of the vans. [i]I'm invincible![/i] He thought to himself as he kept one upping his tricks. He had to. No one ordinary could keep up with the world that he had been introduced, full of teenagers with strange abilities and government conspiracies... And then, upon the prompt, the very image of the breakfast he had been avoiding surged back in his mind. The image of the towel girls made the young man skip a crucial step, sending him barreling towards one of the vans. "OW!" He said, after painfully bouncing against it, making a lot of noise, and ending up sprawled on the floor.