Lance got up and scratched his head,"Rise and shine Riaox" Lance said. [color=8882be]Riaox did not wanna get up, he rolled over in his bed.[/color] "Common Riaox we gotta start our day" Lance was thinking, "Hey where is Zac" Lance questioned. Zac appeared in front of Riaox sniffing him. [color=8882be]Riaox opened one eye and saw Zac sniffing him. He jumped "Human what is this creature" Riaox asked.[/color] Lance chuckled "That is Zac, he is my dog" Lance paused. "He is unique though" Lance said as he looked at his 3 heads. "anyways now that you are up come eat breakfast" Lance placed down meat for Riaox and Zac. [color=8882be]"A dog?" Riaox stared at Zac, he then walked around Zac and began to eat breakfast. [/color]