This any better? ------- Name: Liberty Commonwealth Flag: [img],_D.C..svg/2000px-Flag_of_Washington,_D.C..svg.png[/img] Nation Type: Tribal Commonwealth Claims: Pending - Maryland, DC and Virginia, roughly Terrain: Warm and relatively dry, but interspersed with the occasional toxic death trap. Rains are random, either being very rare and light, or heavy and continuous, but tends towards the extremes Government Type: Aristocratic Republic - every tribe elects an Aristocrat who rules them for the rest of their life. Every Aristocrat gets a seat on the Grand Council of the Commonwealth. The Council then elects a Cabinet of Chieftains, who officially lead the Council. The Cabinet then elects the Head Chieftain, the de jure leader of the Commonwealth. The Chieftain then hands his Cabinet their roles. Capital: Ashington - set in the ruins of Washington DC. Head of State: Head Chieftain Michael K Simpson - very liberal and open-minded, he wishes to re-establish pre-war America under the Commonwealth banner. Other Important People: Deputy Head Chieftain: Margaret O'Reilly - her job is to play devil's advocate to Simpson. As such, he deliberately hired a very conservative, reactionary minister to better govern the country. Though she respects Simpson, she disagrees with most, if not all, of his actions Councillor for Justice: Stephen Davies Councillor for Trade: Alan Carpenter Councillor for Foreign Nations: Juan Martinez Councillor for War: Chloe Valentine Several NPC Tribal leaders Population: 2.4 Million Attitude Towards Evols: Wary. Not willing to trust them entirely, but not so suspicious as to actively attack them. Economic System: Serfdom - The elected Aristocrat controls their entire tribe. The leader is thus responsible for the whole tribe's production. Resources: The Commonwealth specialises in scrap metal and machine parts, with Arms Manufacturing being their biggest industry. Close behind are the Shipbuilding, Tool-making and Construction businesses. 'Metal from the Commonwealth' is synonymous with 'high quality' which is lucky since they have very little else. Coastal regions use fish to boost the economy. Most of the Commonwealth's food comes from the Confederate States in the south, much to the Commonwealth's chagrin. The individual member states also have particular specialities, just not those of great importance. Currency: Commonwealth Dollar Technology: They are somewhat advanced. Old Machines have been stripped down for scrap, but the workings of them have been researched and they are developing new machines. Lack of coal and oil means that wind and water are the main sources of power. Solar panels have been found - some of them actually work - but the people know far too little about how they work to recreate them. Official Religion: Anti-Abrahamic Religious Information: They have several bibles, and some old-world currency that says 'In God We Trust'. However, they have come to the conclusion that God was a demon who promised to protect the old world. Since the Old World crashed and burned, they have come to the conclusion that God is either dead - which means there is a mightier force out there who should be feared - or a traitor who cannot be trusted and must be opposed. Furthermore, they believe God is an actual living being and will do all they can to and and kill him for his crimes. Furthermore, since it is Satan/Lucifer whom always opposes God, some Satanic sects have started cropping up. They are yet to take control of parliament, but they are becoming powerful. History: After power in DC was broken and the government officially shut down, parts of the East Coast shut down with it. Entire cities fractured, dividing into various factions. The subsequent 'civil wars' lowered the population significantly, till there was nothing but a few lucky or powerful survivors. These survivors grouped together in anarchic clans, working together to keep each other safe. Some bright sparks settled in the ruins of Washington, which they called Ashington. Foragers and looters raided the old buildings - the White House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, amongst others - and brought back interesting documents and papers that had survived. The Ashington settlers came to the conclusion that Old America had a Commonwealth, where the States worked together to protect and better each other. Not wanting another bloodbath, the Ashington Settlers started reaching out to other nearby settlers. They explained how the system worked and invited them to join. Long story short, the ball got rolling and the newly-christened Liberty Commonwealth has begun advancing along the coast. It is their goal to one day have the whole of America under the banner of the Commonwealth once again. Culture: The Commonwealth has two kinds of people - Aristos, and the people that aren't them. If you are an Aristocrat, you have a duty of care over the common people, who in turn promise to work your land, serve in your armies and obey your laws. This often translates into 'You vote for an Aristo and then do whatever work they tell you to do'. Commoners are hard-nosed, pragmatic people who work their entire lives - they have little love for the lazy and the weak. The only exceptions are the elders and children - old people have earned their rest and they are not so jaded as to rob children of their childhood. Aristos, under the unique system of the Commonwealth, are either particularly passionate or particularly lazy Commoners. If a tribe is smart and lucky, they will pick a good, compassionate leader who actually looks after them. But tribes do elect, far too often, tribe leaders who are lazy, incompetent and privileged. Military Numbers: Most of the population owns a gun, but there are only about 30,000 official servicemen and women. In emergency situations, tribes may be forced to levy a certain number of warriors to protect the Commonwealth Military Units: Your average soldier will wear fatigues, a chestplate (typically metal) and a reconstructed Service Rifle and Pistol. Commonwealth weapons are simple, reliable and cheap, though far from tbe strongest. Levies often don't get the joy of what little armour the Servicemen use. One exception to the rule is the mystical Peacekeepers. Peacekeepers consist of maybe a hundred men, all clad in advanced military armour and carry pre-apocalypse weapons P90s and Anti-Materiel Rifles. These men are elusive and secretive, serving essentially as the government's answer to the SEALS.