[hider=Elizabeth Laurent][img]http://ak2.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-thing/size/y/tid/28395994.jpg[/img][/hider] Long-Term Character Name: Elizabeth Laurent Age: 19 Room: 5 Position: Student Level: 3 TDS (Traditional and Draconic Magic) Magic Specialty: elemental control Ranking of the Basic Four 1) Earth 2) Wind 3) Water 4) Fire Likes: Literature, Classical Music, Intriguing Situations, Interesting People Dislikes: Homophobia, Boring People Personality: Elizabeth is notable for being intelligent and erudite for her age, and she's not afraid to flaunt it. She is often friendly, but is not very fond of things or people she finds boring. Unless she's working on a project, she likely won't stay on one subject for very long. History: Elizabeth grew up in Virginia, and she found the life there too simple. She is naturally drawn to magic, but she had no idea about it. This lead her to become a restless girl constantly searching for excitement, never to be completely fulfilled. Pet: Arcane Hound Pet Name: Hesiod Dragon Name: Uriel [hider=dragon] [img] http://orig10.deviantart.net/2eac/f/2013/220/0/c/0c136b5c56fd13046766ee65c4826572-d6ha2cv.jpg[/img] [/hider] Other: Follow the Rainbow. Independent Study Courses Taken: Archaic Languages, Calligraphy I, Auras, Musical Instrument I, and Basketry.