[@Absolis][@mattmanganon] [center] - Arcadia-1 - [/center] [center] - Imperial Palace - [/center] Nova acknowledged the human's experience. It appeared that this stranger had more knowledge of interdimensional travel than the Emperor, although he possessed little technical knowledge of it's workings. A practical, simple soul. A warrior of sorts, with straightforward morality. It was odd, meeting with such an uplifting soul after such tragedy had struck. But it was sometimes good to keep around people like this, who cut through the fat of complexity that always surrounded important decisions. "The plan, unfortunately, seems to have backfired mere moments before your arrival. It seems you have a habit for arriving when you are needed. An important talent, to be sure." Nova nodded at Absolis as he marched indignantly through his portal, and made his accusation. However, he would address Ace first. "You are familiar, I take it, with life-threatening endeavours with high risks? There is an alien faction that possesses technology I require. You will move into a military base filled with hundreds of hostile targets, all heavily armed and well trained. You will then use the scanner I provide you with to scan a large portal placed at the centre of this base. Then you will somehow make your way out of this base through a combination of stealth and skill." As Nova spoke, he psionically ordered the Kolons to construct a ship for Ace, as well as getting him a scanning device with enough processing power to contain the blueprints for the Goa'Uld portal technology. They were eager creatures, and the devices would be done and waiting for Ace before he'd even left the Palace. "The location of this alien territory is already placed within the ship I've prepared for you. Should you be in need of assistance, I will be able to teleport you directly to this base the moment you exit the alien base, I believe that the alien technology may prohibit me from affecting you as long as you remain within their base." Having concluded his business with Ace, Nova turned to Absolis. He was confident the human would carry this task out with his usual precision and skill. After all, it was in this being's nature to succeed when it shouldn't be able to. "As for you... you believe that I had any intention of causing such damage. I overestimated the intelligence of the Outliners, and my mistake has had devastating consequences. But had Ruiko not utilized the weapon I gave her, do you doubt that all those I sent would now be dead, trapped within this afterlife of yours?" Nova smiled slightly at Absolis' gesture to draw his blade. "My vision is limited, and even I am prone to make mistakes. And this one was grievous indeed. I believed the Outliners to be an organization that could be reasoned with. If you wish to abandon my cause for this, then feel free to do so. I will not hold it against you. But know one thing." Nova stood from the Golden Throne, stepping down from the massive construct to be level with Absolis. He looked the human in the eye, and Absolis would notice that they were quite literally aflame. "They harmed my allies, and in doing so they declared war on me and mine. So if you walk away today, I would ask you to stand in the shadows. For I will not rest until those responsible have been annihilated from this world, and your Conablum Labs have been torn to the ground." He allowed his words to sink in for a moment, staring down Absolis. He then turned and moved back to his seat. He had a war to prepare for, and no time for kind words. Whether Absolis stayed or left was his choice, the Emperor had no need for those not prepared to fight by his side. With a thought, he sent a message to Banha and Ruiko. "Return to my side. Any further interaction will only harm you. Rest and recover."