Nyx, focused on trying to get a loose part screwed in and fastened to the plane while trying to keep it from falling at the same time, but her hands were greasy and scraped up by now, so she had to lean into it. She'd tried to listen to what she had to say to the asshole, but the board wouldn't go where it needed and she needed to focus on it more. After a few minutes, she managed to fit it in, then closed the panel, checking to see if the AI circuit board was functioning correctly. Just before Nyx started the diagnostic program, Eiren walked up and Nyx pushed the button to let it automatically cycle through while Nyx listened to what Eiren had to say. It started with food, which caught Nyx's attention immediately, and ended with Nyx having to go to to her office later. Nyx did not want to go, but she also figured that she didn't want to be hauled in by security, so she'd go after she was done eating. As ordered. Nyx nodded at Eiren to show that she understood and went back to the female head to wash off the grease and start on applying some bandages. As she uncovered scratches she realized she didn't need any bandages yet, but she should at least cover one on her right hand, since it was bleeding enough to cause concern if she was going to meet her commanding officer. Nyx forgot if that was what she should call Eiren. As she walked to the mess hall, she tried to recall all the information she learned during bootcamp and then promptly forgot. Something about hats and that she thought the ranking system was stupid. She'd have to refresh her memory later. She noted Gurjan sitting down and looking forlorn. She should apologize, because it was her fault for getting him punished like that. Then again, he might not accept it, so she opted to either tell him later or simply forget and tell him she meant to later. Her rations were the expected size and were enough for the average crewman, but she still took the storeable parts of the meal and placed it into her pockets and ate the rest quickly. When she finished, she walked back to the main hangar, mostly just for the sensation of walking, but also to see the hustle and bustle of the rest of the ship. She'd eaten fast enough that the detour would give Eiren time to prepare. After about ten minutes there, she asked the AI for directions and managed to find her way back to the squad's area of the ship. It was easy to find the location of the office, but it wasn't like Nyx wanted to go and face it yet. Still, it was this then sleep until the mission started. Nyx knocked on the door and entered, moving to the couch, as she could see the countdown and didn't want to be standing when it happened. [i]Well, if I get demoted or fired, at least I'll have sat on this couch. It's comfortable.[/i] [color=00aeef]"You told me to come, ma'am?"[/color] Nyx said, actually trying to be respectful. [color=00aeef]"I'm assuming its important because of your threat about the ship security."[/color] The waves of importance and the weight of the room made Nyx fidget and shift on the couch, and she had to supress the urge to continue to talk and thus end up digging herself into a hole. Again. For the third time today.