[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] Here's the GM with a friendly reminder that right next to Cali is Nevada which houses the Vegas Strip [/quote] I'mma have to stop here to say something: Given no central government holding Vegas anymore wouldn't really mean much. Vegas is only as important as it is because it's one of a few places in the US where gambling is legal, or rather Nevada is one of the few states in the US where gambling is legal and where Vegas occupies a rather fortunate position in terms of municipal government. Or as far as Paradise goes which is where the Vegas we know and love is. Vegas now would loose its charm and be another desert ghost town when the old crowd can't get there anymore, and when any post-apocalypse society can re-write the laws on their own terms to make gambling legal in their territories. Big gambling cities like Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Buluxi, Monte Negro, Macau, and elsewhere are only big because they're oasises of legal gambling. The more places that open up to gambling, or even lack the ability to regulate gambling the less valuable these places become. So saying Las Vegas is important because "muh gambling revenue" is untrue when any state can choose to have legal gambling or simply not enforce whatever gambling laws they got. So the only value with Vegas would be trying to pick up the clusterfuck of Hoover Dam, which being a big power plant has itself probably been hit and the Colorado River allowed to run free again.