Finn was piloting his starship through the skies of Arcadia 2 and was scouting the area to see if there were any suspicious activity going on in the city. It had been just a day since he had been mysteriously sucked into this strange universe and he was unsure of where to go next. He was very confused and wondered what he would do next. This place was just a mystery and he would need to try and find as much information as he could on this world before he did anything else. "How on earth will I get home? I've been hoping that this would just be a bad dream" he said himself even though he knew that it wasn't the case. The city was very similiar to the earthly cities of his own universe and it seemed to populated by humanoids of many verities. At first Finn thought that this world was merely populated by aliens throughout this universe's galaxy, but then the idea of all of its inhabitants were from different universes. He would have to soon scout on the ground to learn more about this place. [hr] Red was looking around in a worried and confused way at his new surroundings. This wasn't his home in Primal Valley and he wanted to get back. This city felt all wrong and it agitated him. He ran about at incredible speeds and rammed into several people in his rush. "Where the hell am I?!" he shouted as he jumped onto buildings and began to leap from one rooftop to the next trying to see if there was anything that he could recognize. "Something's wrong, the scent of the place just feels off and not like it should be, it looks like earth, but everything doesn't feel right" he said to himself out loud.