The Bith was much relieved when he heard the sound of credits rolling across the bar and the greenish-brownish-grayish blur next to him offered to pay. It was just like the old days! Granted, the "old days" were never very good, but the upside of being a beggar, or a fugitive, or any mix thereof, was that sometimes drinks came free. He was once the town drunk, after all. "Thank so much, good person!" the Bith said in sorely translated basic. But then he heard the voice of a Rodian behind him, and footsteps headed away towards a distant corner of the joint. [i]"Hey guys. We got a guild party going on at that table over there. Rhetorically speaking, care to join us?" [/i] Yski realized that he would have to drink responsibly if he hoped to keep the job, and that, while inebriation would have made the loud music more bearable, it would cloud his judgement. Of course, he could keep it behind his lips to absorb the noise, as he sometimes did in uncomfortably loud situations, but he wouldn't be able to talk if he needed to... He then judged, by the rate at which the sound deadened, that it would probably be just fine at that distance and he wouldn't need to cover his "ears" anymore. "Ah." Yski said, turning to the vague, friendly shape next to him and nodding apologetically, "Not meaning to hassle Good Person, but there is no need anymore. The noise will be not so bad over there."