Cyrus didn't get much more sleep that night. Something about being in this temple seemed to keep his memories on his mind at all times. From the dream he had had previously, to the mysterious picture that shouldn't have been there, and finally now, with him sitting very much awake at a desk in his room. He was clearly burning the midnight oil, but at least he had found something now to keep himself busy. He found a small black book in the desk's drawer, its pages blank. Obviously it was meant for the room's occupant to use as a journal should they feel the need to keep one. Cyrus had never thought much of keeping a thing like that, at least not until now. He spent a good chunk of the night filling in pages of the small book. Overall he divided the book into two halves. The first half of the book's pages were to become memoirs of sorts, where he would write down the things he'd seen and done up until the present time. The second half of the book, he decided, was to be an active journal for recording thoughts, feelings, and events that were happening at present and going forward. The first page was the hardest to write. But perhaps that was normal? It would make sense that a writer would have the greatest difficulty in deciding on a proper way to begin a book, and that appeared to be the case here. So Cyrus chose to leave the first page blank and start from the second page, where the actual entries would begin proper. He could write in a poetic intro of some kind later. From there it was a matter of starting from the beginning. And the beginning, for Cyrus at least, was the day his Keyblade came to him. He began by recounting the dream he had the night before Radiant Garden was attacked. His fighting a small group of Heartless and then managing to defeat the larger one before waking up. After recounting how his Keyblade first appeared in the real world and his being saved by a Keyblade Master, Cyrus stopped and closed his eyes in order to think back to that day in greater detail... [hr] "So you chose to follow me after all, did you?" asked the Keyblade Master when he noticed the young Cyrus running after him, "My name is Cormac. And yourself?" "...Cyrus." the boy answered, his breathing made heavier by the running he'd just done, "So... you'll teach me?" "Mmm." responded Cormac with a small nod, "But first, we need to do a quick rendezvous." "With who?" The man gave a sort of half-smile, "Let's just say you're not the first fresh Keyblade Wielder to follow me." As they rounded a corner, Cyrus spotted a kid roughly his age. Short, blond hair with red clothes and a long crimson scarf blowing in the wind behind him. He was just finishing off a small group of Heartless with his own Keyblade, one with a less ornate design than Cyrus' and a somewhat bronze handle. Though he fought with some skill, he was obviously nowhere the level of Cormac, "Ren!" the Master called out, "I've found us a new Wielder, from this world like you. Looks like you'll get to have that training partner after all." the kid, Ren, turned around and raised an eyebrow at the sight of Cyrus. Still, he jogged over and gave a short respectful bow to his Master before speaking. "As you say, Master." then he approached Cyrus and stuck out his hand, "I'm Ren, what's your name?" Cyrus tentatively shook the kid's hand, "...Cyrus. Looks like I'm your new training partner." "Good, good." said Cormac, "Now, Cyrus, if you're going to follow me then I expect you to always follow instruction. But more importantly, I have a small bit of rules that I expect you to remember... Ren?" Ren cleared his throat, "Stay your blade from the Hearts of the Innocent." he began, even counting them off on his fingers as he went, "Strike down Corruption in all its forms wherever you may find it. Never compromise your Heart, be it to Light or Darkness, nor the Hearts of those who fight beside you." Master Cormac cleared his throat a bit, "I believe you forgot one..." Ren blinked in surprise, "Oops! And forever uphold the Beliefs held dear in your heart." "That's better. Now, whose hungry? We can get something to eat before the training starts..." [hr] Cyrus stopped a moment, and returned to the first page of the book. He finally settled on how he wanted the book to begin for whomever may read it in the future. It went something like this: [i][center]"Stay my blade from the Hearts of the Innocent. Strike down Corruption in all its forms wherever I may find it. Never compromise my Heart, be it to Light or Darkness, nor the Hearts of those who fight beside me. And forever uphold the Beliefs held dear in my heart."[/center] These were the principles I upheld. My creed. I once followed them, fought for them, without question and without regrets. And in spite of everything I've seen, all I've done... I still do. I was a boy back then. My world was small, confined, and so limited. But it was about to burst open wider than ever it had been. A war was raging, one I barely understood. But from the moment I said "yes", chose to follow the man who became my Master on that fateful day, my role was decided... even if I didn't know it yet. I had no idea just what the future had in store for me... nor the cost of it that I would bear. My name is Cyrus Grimm... and this is my story.[/i] [hr] A knock on his door, and Arthal's morning call to everyone prompted Cyrus to take a break from writing. He closed the book, and pocketed it. He was unsure if they were ever to come back to here, and it would probably be wise to not leave a thing like this somewhere where someone could find it by chance. No, he would keep the book on him and write in it bit by bit whenever he found himself with a free moment. And although he expected those free moments to be few and far between, he wouldn't let that deter him from completing the book. After leaving his room Cyrus made for the kitchen area. There he found Seth and Arthal, having breakfast from the look of it. Strangely, they're selections were entirely different, as if they had made breakfast separately. Cyrus soon got his answer to the riddle when he searched the cupboard, finding what looked like an already-prepared muffin and cup of coffee. A type of simple breakfast that Cyrus had taken to having for himself as the war often left little in the way of free time for cooking or leisure. "Curious... this temple gets more interesting by the day it seems."