The Silencer had ignored the antics of his mornonic cell mates. However, he was in the presence of a W.E.C Prosecutor - a member of the world's ruling elite. The man deserved his respect, and his attention. Suddenly, the super soldier had mission parameters - something for which he was greatful for. Not having a framework to build on played havoc for one such as he. Cupping the bullets the big guy had given him, the Silencer got to work, crushing them underfoot. The things were huge, totally unearth-like. The Silencer wondered if they were apart of the Resistance's latest weapons programs. One thing for sure was that he wouldn't want to get hit by one, it'd probably take of his head - armour or no. After he'd broken open a few of the bullets and gathered the gunpowder, he stuffed it into some of the other bullet cases, removing their primers to allow more space. Then he placed a pile of them at the base of the door, right below the hinge, and sprinkled a light trail of powder away from it. He was unsure how big the explosion was going to be, the bullets were unlike anything he'd seen, which meant their contents were likewise to be the same. "Don't worry sir," the Silencer said, looking at his superior. "I'm going to get you out of here." And then he looked at the red head. "Ignite the trail, civilian." The Silencer stood in front of the Prosecutor, to shield him from the blast in case it turned out bigger than he expected. "If that hinge blows, we'll be able to knock that door through. Hopefully, we can reach a communication system somewhere beyond, and I can call for W.E.C reinforcements," the Silencer said.