[@tex] [@Blue Demon] [@Hatman1801] Karida remained awfully quiet as usual. She had little to visibly comment on as Joshua nervously and hurriedly spewed out barely coherent words to Yvette and to the rest of the crew, or while the deranged, self-proclaimed "demonologist", of whom she had questioned about why was he chosen to come along, was busy talking to his "imp" again. Not that she didn't actually care about the last one. Even though almost everything Ebenezer spews out are nothing but delusional garbage, whatever made Arcadia seek him out could be worth finding out. Then again, it might be nothing. Other than that, though, Ebenezer is just a plain and lackluster man. Just like everyone else in the group. Nothing special, really. With the same, eerie silence she's put on, Karida followed Yvette as per her orders, giving a slight affirmative nod. Not a word since then. Not even when some self-entitled "arch-mage" complained about something she didn't pay mind to.