The Zabrack's footsteps shook the less-than-solid foundation of the club he entered. Giving in under the rather enormous weight of him and all his equipment. Even without his mass; a pale, golden-eyed Zabrack is enough to draw some attention, but one larger than a Wookie? Eyes immediately moved to him. He ducked low so he could enter through the doorframe, and immediately began scanning the area with his data-link for known guild-members. He had been a last-minute addition to some pirate mission, from looking over the progress report of the others on the assignment, it only looked like one or two of them would do any real good, but the rest were likely to be nothing but a burden. As his link began to identify members, he noticed one man positioned at a table, further away from the DJ than most clubbers. The addition of a table-top translator also gave him away. Moving forward, the ground continued to protest under his weight, and people continued to stare, but moved out of the way, which he was comfortable with. He often avoided public locations for too long, due to his natural appearance and in addition of his aesthetics, he was often assumed, or at least questioned, of having involvement with the Sith. He was wearing his casual [url=]attire[/url], with all armor but his Helmet activated, the way he often can be found. Upon arriving at the table, he nodded in Acknowledgment to the man already seated, and sat opposite of him, back against the wall, and waited for the others.