[@booksmusicanime] [color=ec008c]"Really? I thought somebody would be [i]more[/i] afraid of their surroundings when blind, not knowing who or what they're talking to, or not knowing where they're at. Of course, there are other senses that you could use, but in some cases, it just doesn't work! Kaia, sweet blind darling, if you [i]reallyyyy[/i] don't want me to help you, then I'll continue on my way,"[/color] Mettaton said to the child, trying to go through her system about what she knows about disabled beings. [@Simple Unicycle][@Lilygold][@fourtimesnine] Kim continued spinning her ax until she saw two monsters coming towards their direction, and appeared to be talking to the three, so when she saw an opportunity, Kim swung her ax at the side to open enough space for her to jump out of the skeleton brothers' line of fire. She now stood next to a reptilian-looking monster and a fish-lady, the monsters that were coming their way. [color=0072bc]"Hi,"[/color] Kim said, back to talking in her low tone.