The Zabrack's eyes seemed to radiate as the man leaned forward and glared directly into his eyes, if such an act had occurred in Dathomir, the man would have been ripped apart, limb from limb, and then been used to decorate the catii on the perimeter of his clan's territory. But Alas, he was not on his home planet, and when in Rome... Continuing to stare into the eyes of this bounty-hunter, his mouth opened, his words heavy with the accent of an ancient language, and a gravely depth that seems to penetrate the souls of others. "My ancestor is Sirak Kolor, Son of Darth Matas of Clan Kolar. I am the blood of the Een, the Destroyer of the Kandela, the Destruction of Sazen, the Berserk of Judarrl, the Slayer of the Hogra, and the Murderer of Lo. I am the Strength of Dathomir and the Power of Iridonia. I was the child Ta'el, and I, am Nuvra Kolar." Finishing his introduction, he continued to stare into the eye of the man across from him, waiting for his reaction. His name was known, and he was aware of that. He had an infamous reputation amongst civilians, twofold that amongst bounty-hunters, if the man did not know, another who was listening would, and it was likely just as well that the man had been searching for information on him on his visual-link since he had began his introduction.