[quote=@Ellri] Heh. This is a proper theme. Now where does the glorious leader want the scaled-down statue commemorating his power built, and does he want the 1km model, 1.2km model or the 27.4km model? The final version will, naturally, be full-sized. [/quote] About that. Due to the realistic and strict adherence of the final version to the actual measurements, a number of local features intrinsic to general logistics as well as economic and ecological dialectic models will have to be condensed in order to fit within its frame. The oceans are easily repurposed for the monument's water feature, but a few of the continental shelves simply do not mesh well together for example - creating complications in rendering the high-fidelity sculpting of the exterior surface. Moving all the forests was easy, but now we have to deal with the constant fire regimes inside the interior (get in touch with HR about that, I think we can repurpose those biomes as a mass grave/incinerator/gladitorial arena combo package). Finally, there is the faint problem of the legs continually grinding and shunting themselves up towards the pelvic region due to the now very literal center of mass created thus. The punchline being: Unless we get more VOLUNTEER LABORERS, the project's completion will be slightly behind schedule.