[h3][center][i]Chikako Momomiya & The Wanderer // The Inn[/i][/center][/h3] After the Wanderer seemed to have shrunken away from the Prince and the Cripple, Chi had appeared from seemingly nowhere. She grabbed the scruff of his neck and proceeded to drag him to whatever room she would deem as theirs. Having given a light squawk in surprise as he was grabbed, the Wanderer was dragged along without a fight. The small man simply went limp in the smaller woman’s grip, even his feet dragging along behind him as he was practically lifted along. Once in the room, she shut the door and locked it, turning to him with his arms crossed and her perpetual scowl etched into her face. Only when they were in the room did he stand on his own once more, face pale as he returned her gaze. [b]”What. The Fuck. Is Going On.”[/b] [b]”Please do not hit him. He bruises easily.”[/b] The scowl only depend as she began to tap her foot rather impatiently. [b]”If you don’t give me answers, you’ll be one giant bruise.”[/b] His face went even paler as he brought up his hands, as if to try to both calm her and ward her off at once. [b]”We are going along with them to Gurata. It is better for us to hold off the questions for as long as possible, and he thinks the Prince knows that and is…ruthlessly taking advantage of it…”[/b] [b]”Why’re we even going with them in the first place?! We were doing just fine on our own.”[/b] The Wanderer sighed quietly. [b]”We were, but the situation changed when the Prince…arrived. It is within his power easily to demand answers of us, and considering our…situation…It would be better to play along with him for the time being, until he is certain we are not a threat.”[/b] She rolled her eyes as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. [b]”This really would’ve been easier if you had just taken the fucking front door…”[/b] In response, the Wanderer became indignant, standing up straight suddenly as he attempted to defend his actions. [b]”We would have just run into them sooner if we had done that!”[/b] [b]”Yet we were caught taking the side door! In what part of this world is taking the side door fucking normal?!”[/b] [b]”He has done it before! It’s worked!”[/b] [b]”In what fucking lifetime?! When you were a horse?!”[/b] He groaned, turning to walk over to the corner as he did so. Once there he apparently got comfortable, settling down on the floor and looking up to her from there. Once more his hand came up to scratch lightly at the bandages on his cheek, as he had often done during the walk from one village to the other. [b]”You know what lifetime he is talking about…”[/b] She harrumphed as she went over to the bed, kicking off her shoes and undoing her pigtails. [b]”Guess you’re a horse in this lifetime.”[/b] He just sighed quietly, briefly hanging his head. [b]”No he is not…Besides, it might be better this way.”[/b] Chi lay on her bed, her arms crossed behind her head. [b]”Why’s that?”[/b] [b]”Whatever is happening now…clearly it’s big. The tensions between H’kela and Barcea were always heavy, but this…clearly, they have snapped. The Prince would not be heading to Gurata for no reason so…Perhaps we will remain at the center of the storm for as long as possible with him, and that is where we can do the most.”[/b] She sighed a bit. He had a point. [b]”Where we can do the most, huh.”[/b] He gave a slight nod. His gaze was kept low as he carefully fiddled with his blade, resting it against himself. [b]”Yes…So perhaps it’s best we do this for as long as possible, and if later the truth comes out…We can always run, as we have before.”[/b] [b]”…What if we don’t have to run?”[/b] [b]”Then we will make sure to see this all the way through. Is that acceptable to you?”[/b] She turned on her side and grunted her approval. [b]”Just don’t do anything stupid.”[/b] [b]”…He doesn’t do stupid things…”[/b]