Yski found his way over to the table in time to learn everything important about the mission. He glazed over the questions and snapped to attention again when a big grey blob told the blob in charge all about his long list of impressive-sounding names. Intimidating as it seemed he was trying to be, it seemed rather impossible to take seriously over the club music pumping from the speakers. He quietly, non-chalantly thought aloud in Bith tongue that it was, in fact, an impressive list. Absentmindedly, he wondered if this was the same grey blob that was known for hunting. He heard about it in a news gram he sort of listened to a while ago... If so, why was he here? The Bith resolved to remain utterly casual. The worst thing you can do around this kind of person is show even a shred of fear or subservience. If one does, it's very difficult to get them to treat you as an equal thereafter. He calmly leaned back in his chair and rested his hand on the pommel of his lightsaber, in a way that suggested he didn't plan on dying and would rather nobody start trying anything funny rather than insinuating he was frightened and about to draw. It wasn't a very difficult act to hold when all the threats, real or imagined, had been made over a backdrop of bright, childlike colors and cheerful bar music.