[HIDER=Felix Andrew Renault] [b]Name:[/b] Felix Andrew Renault [b]Group:[/b] CDC [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Occupation:[/b] Formerly U.S. Army – 31K (Military Working Dog Handler), FBI-HRT [b]Family life:[/b] Divorced – his ex-wife has kids though (see bio) [b]Hair:[/b] Brown [b]Eyes:[/b] Green [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5’11/208 [b]Picture:[/b] [HIDER=Felix Renault][IMG]http://www.steiner-optics.com/sites/default/files/Tactical%20%E2%80%93%20Shooting%20Range%20%E2%80%93%20Observing.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] Neither of the Renault parents were very large people, but somehow Felix managed to get at least some of the genetics of his grandparents. He grew at least a couple of inches beyond his father and about half a foot over his younger brother. He received his mother’s green eyes, but without the weathering effects of alcohol or anxiety they retain a far darker pigment. From his father, he was given a defined jaw and a near-permanent scowl. [b] Blood type:[/b] B- [b]Immune:[/b] Yes [b]Reason for government interest:[/b] Felix lived his entire life for his country, so his patriotism and skill as an HRT Operator made him an asset to a government looking to prevent anarchy in the States. [b]Gear:[/b] Nothing but the weight set, reading material, and other asinine things they allowed him to have in his cell- er, “room.” [b] Bio:[/b] Felix was born in Maine to a very average American family. He was ten years old when his little brother was born, but the two were always close. The elder of the two tried to do as much as he could to keep his younger brother out of trouble, but William had more silver on his tongue than he did gold and his smartass attitude would always land him somewhere he didn’t want to be. Felix was early in his high school years when his parents had their divorce… It always seemed worse from the outside than the inside – mother rarely came to see them outside of holidays, but at least she maintained a bit of sobriety when she did. It wasn’t that she hated them, she was just… Not cut out for motherhood. The father of the Renault household was a busy man, but he always seemed to have time for the boys, who seemed to be raised on opposite ends of the world, considering their polar opposite personalities, appearances, and tastes. The three managed to find enough connection in their hunting trips. When Felix was still in school, they happened often, but even after he graduated they made a point to take at least one annually for a week, sometimes more than one depending on Felix’s schedule. After high school, Felix went to Community College for a couple of years and received an Associate’s Degree that financial assistance was happy enough to pay for. After that, much to his father’s pride, he joined the Army. It was a lot of work, but it made him happy, and he wouldn’t trade those four years for the world. He would have gladly re-enlisted, but shortly before he was due to sign his re-enlistment contract, he lost his first dog – Abel – in a firefight. An animal he would have gladly given his own life for decided that it would rather sacrifice itself for him. Felix decided to finish his Bachelor’s in Criminal Science. After finished college, he shifted his sights to Law Enforcement. After putting in a Resume with the FBI, he took his interview and they were happy to accept him. Having a security clearance before trying was certainly helpful. After two years in the FBI, he was accepted into the HRT Program. His prior military combat experience gave him a fast-tracked leg-up, not to mention as a dog handler, he could prove to be an asset to the FBI as a whole in two regards. He only spent a year going through the training and actually getting to act as an operator before he was ordered to the CDC’s complex and, unbeknownst to him, locked away in a room with little to no explanation as to why or how long he’d be there. Amidst all of this, Felix managed to find time for a wife. Or rather, he found time to [I]find[/I] a wife, even if he didn’t get to keep her. He didn’t exactly find time for her after the fact, however, as apparently his life in the military and plans for the future left him a bit busy. The two of them were hardly a year into a young marriage, straight out of college, when she told him the “good” news – she was pregnant. The two hadn’t even discussed whether they wanted kids or how yet, but Felix had been lightly dodging the topic as much as he could. He found out of his own accord that he was actually sterile shortly after they got married and still hadn’t found the words to tell her. So when she said that she was pregnant, he couldn’t help but be less excited than she was. He broke the news to her and she realized she’d just been caught confessing to cheating on him. Thankfully they hadn’t been married for over a couple of years and he didn’t lose nearly as much as he thought he would have. He still had to pay for a while, but by no means was he in the hole for years, and he hasn’t spoken to her since the last check went through. [b]Personality:[/b] Felix is a fairly loud team player type of person. He knows how important team bonds are, especially when the shit hits the fan, and tries not to lose the sarcastic, joking side when he can help it. Much to his chagrin, his sarcasm often comes off as serious attacks against people, simply because his face isn’t the type to show that he’s joking. He’s a family man, even though he doesn’t have kids, or even a wife at this point, so he’s always remained closely connected with his father and little brother. However, he hasn’t been able to reach either of them since he was taken away. Otherwise, he’s mostly what you’d expect. Determined, hard-headed, and loves to argue, even when he knows he’s wrong. [/HIDER] [HIDER=Taylor Marsha Johnson] [B]Name: [/B] Taylor Marsha Johnson [B]Group: [/B] Walkers [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Occupation:[/B] Emergency Room Nurse and part-time student (Master’s Degree in Nursing) to become a Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry [B]Family life: [/B] Widowed, one 2 year-old son (Joseph Henry) who was living with her mother at the time of outbreak while she was finishing school [B]Hair:[/B] Brown [B]Eyes:[/B] Blue [B]Height/Weight:[/B] 5’5”/118lbs [B]Picture: [/B] [HIDER=Taylor Johnson][IMG]http://www.cadena365.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/kinessa-johnson-thrill-blender-7.md_.jpg?w=0[/IMG][/HIDER] [B]Blood type:[/B] O- [B]Immune:[/B] No [B]Gear:[/B] Her husband’s SIG P226 Elite SAO (9mm) with two magazines (15 rounds), a kukri machete attached to her belt, a single-strap backpack with her small supply of food or water or whatever else she can carry (currently contains a roll of duct tape, medical tape, gauze, and wound disinfectant too, though they could run out at any time) [B]Bio:[/B] Taylor was raised in Ohio, but moved to Chicago for school. She’d always had a love for taking care of people and thought that nursing was exactly the way to go. She’d had a rather uneventful childhood, to be perfectly honest, though if you ask her about the time her parents saw her first tattoo long after she got it, you might get a good little story. Shortly moving out to Illinois for college, she met Derek, who had only just graduated the Police Academy. He was something special, that much she knew, and around the time that she was finishing her sophomore year, they got married. Life was getting busier, between upcoming internships at the city’s hospital and even future job opportunities, but neither wanted to be separated, so they jumped on it with stars in their eyes. After graduating, she took the first entry-level job in medicine that she was offered at the city’s major medical center. Things in the field move slowly, but she found her niche in the ER. The pressure and intensity, as well as the gore, never seemed as big a problem to her as it did for others. She felt like she fit right in. After getting acclimated there, she and Derek were more than a little surprised to find out that she was pregnant. It was a happy surprise, but a surprise nonetheless. They moved her to a different wing of the hospital during the nine months to prevent the stress from having any adverse effects, but once she got back from leave, she requested to be put back in her place. Just as life was getting into a nice, things-are-looking-up place, Derek got a call into work and it sounded urgent. The next thing she knew, she was answering the door to their apartment, little Joseph wailing. She could not get him to calm down, no matter how hard she tried, but when she was faced with two uniformed men, staring at the ground with their hats in hand, she was almost in the same place. Respectfully, she waited until they left before she actually lost it. The first person she called was her mom, who took off of work and stayed in Chicago for about two weeks. She took Joseph home with her as Taylor insisted on continuing with work and finishing her Master’s. Now more than ever, she’d need to make sure her career actually saw itself through. Downsizing her apartment and being away from her son was likely the hardest thing of it all – she had to watch as she sold away the furniture, left behind the only home she’d ever shared with the man she loved… Just on the precipice of finishing her degree and shortly after visiting her family in Ohio, the news of the outbreak started to spread. After a hard several months, she’s been trying to get home to Ohio, but constantly she’s being pulled away or misdirected or getting lost… Now, she’s stuck in Missouri, and still unsure exactly how she’s going to get back, having already started in the opposite direction, it seems. [/HIDER] Up for review, all.