Zander followed along, close enough to hear them converse with townsfolk about a missing ship, but far enough back to not be apart of the conversations. A few children passed by and pulled at Zander's kimono, a grin and off they were again. It brought a small smile to his face, to see a few that he had brought back to full health. As they talked with Lazlo, Zander stood by the door and scoffed at the fine cloth the man peddled. His parents would buy rolls from this man, and then some. It was something Zander found wasteful and pulled at his own clothing. Rags compared to what he once wore, so lost in thought he wasn't really focusing as they moved on and towards the northern path out of town. He had come in this way, when he arrived at the port town of Orosi and shivered as they walked along the roadway. Part of him screamed to turn back and hide in the Inn again. [i]Blasted woman dragging me into her mess,[/i] Zander thought. [i]Perhaps if I had ignored her I could have continued on my way and been back with Olga and watching how her sickness progressed again...[/i] His eyes scanned the four people he was walking with. Ethan was most definitely the leader of the small band, his easy smiles and carefree face seemed to have a calming effect on his urge to run. Nymira was hard and focused, and he hated her for that. Part of him was admittedly jealous of the woman. A small part of him said those traits reminded him of his aunt and her ability to verbal abuse his mother up, down and center. He would have to tease her more, just to see if his comparison was right. Cecil, was odd to his senses. He could feel something there, and the augmentations he sported made him seem like he was a body guard to Nymira. He didn't rightly have someone to compare him too, but he gave off the loner vibe and the 'I'm deadlier then I look' vibe as well. Part of Zander wanted to touch him, to feel the skin and see what ailed him physically but he refrained. The youngest of the group, Amuné and her beast gave him pause a few times. What he felt earlier in the mayors office was fleeting, and he brushed it off. What could a little girl do against these thieves? Would he be set to guard her or would the princess tell her guard to do it. Shaking his head of his inner thoughts, he caught the tail end of the conversation. His first urge was to tell Nymira that not all who drank were cowards. How the mental trauma of battle could leave unseen scars and fears of the oddest things. Zander's magic could not heal such things outright, but took gentler paths to sooth those memories. "Nobles drink to show power," Zander spoke softly, unsure if they would hear him. "The older the ale, the bitterer the wine or even the sweeter are signs of power in this land. If a noble offers you a drink, it is a test of merit and humility. To decline without reason or to accept with humbleness is why they do. Or to just get a high from it and deal with the shoes some noblewomen wear." Zander shrugged and looked around himself. His eyes once more landing on Cecil, he wanted to offer a Seal Paper to him, one to allow vigor to return at a faster pace. If they were to fight, he didn't want to have to heal on the spot, but at the same time he had no way to get any of them to trust him to carry a piece of the paper. No one had asked for that matter how they worked. It made him nervous. [i]Please do not let them be Magi...[/i] "Then again members of the Church are known to drink as well," Zander mused allowed and let the sentence fall. His eyes leaving Cecil to land on Amuné as she said the name of the ship. He couldn't recall if the peddler had mentioned the name, then again he hadn't been paying to much attention at the time. "You never know," he answered the girls question. "Some may be known to the townsfolk, come back on land to sell the silks at a cheaper price. Depends on their leader and their own cunning." He talked slowly to her, and felt like an arse for doing so. What was wrong with him? He had no grief with this group and here he was being rude. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "My apologies... Amuné correct? I did not mean to belittle your intelligence with my slight snark." She was a child after all, and he probably frightened her. He wanted to offer healing for her as well, to see what was wrong with her as well. "Cecil," Zander turned to him as the continued to walk. "Are you certain you are feeling well? A Seal Paper would be enough to check, without me touching you if that is what worries your mind." There, he was being polite. Nymira could bite him... on second thought, it might kill him. He could always try to go through Ethan and get the leader to trust him. [i]When did I decide to keep following them though...[/i]