[h1][u]Team VIVE[/u][/h1] Theme: French Revolution [b][Storming the Bastille][/b] Members: [color=39b54a]Vivianne Laurent[/color], [color=6ecff6]Iris Fouquet[/color], [color=2e3192]Veronique Pressman[/color], [color=ed1c24]Evangeline Sparr[/color] [hider=Vivianne Laurent][b]Name:[/b] Vivianne Laurent [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Color:[/b] Laurel Green [b]Personality:[/b] Vivianne keeps a very controlled poise about her at all times, not often betraying her hand to those she deems outside her immediate circle of trust. She tends to be very studious and does not indulge herself the way that Veronique or Iris do, and she takes no pleasure in their battles the way that Sparr does. What she does, she does to bring honor to Mistral - a country that VIVE has transferred away from for the time being, but one that she nonetheless considers herself adherent to and a student of. Though aloof and without many interests that could be considered exciting, she nonetheless gets on well with at least Iris, though she considers Veronique and Evangeline too hot-headed at this stage in their training as Huntresses. [b]Armament:[/b] [i]Antoine[/i]: A long poleaxe with an unusually large, straight-angled blade on its head. The spike atop this head extends a good few inches past the top of the blade. The pole of the weapon is solid metal with a leather-wrapped grip near the center, and several oddly tooth-like curved spikes near the base of the pole. The entirety of the pole is a high-caliber miniaturized field cannon, with the end opposite the axe-head containing the cannon’s mouth. The trigger mechanism is incorporated near the leather grip, just ahead of what looks suspiciously like a hinge. Antoine can, of course, be used like a normal axe as well as use the field cannon to fuel a more powerful stab with the spike atop the head. It can also be flipped around and used as a long-barreled artillery weapon. The spike, in this configuration, can be used to more easily brace the cannon. When striking an opponent with a standard axe swing, a secondary trigger can be used to unlock the hinge mechanism. At this time the back half of the pole will swing forward and lock, effectively trapping the enemy in between the axe-blade and the pole’s spikes until Vivianne releases the lock again. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Godhead[/i]: In times of great stress, adrenaline has been known to grant feats of supreme strength to ordinary people. But a true leader should be strongest at their calmest. Under the influence of Godhead Vivianne is calm in the extreme, but imbued with superhuman physical prowess and mental fortitude. Reaction times, speed, strength, all are amped up to the maximum of human capability and beyond. She can outthink, outperform, and outmaneuver her opponent without showing any sign of anger or discontent. Godhead is not without its flaws, however; the state is incredibly taxing on Vivianne’s body, so she tends to use it when she wants to end a fight fast. Breaking her concentration tends to dampen the effects, as well. [b]Appearance:[/b] Vivianne stands a good few inches above most of her teammates at 5’11, lean and muscular, and uses this height and strong build to full effect when asserting herself amongst her team. Slightly tanned, with enormous hazel eyes, her father often joked that they had rubbed off on the rest of her body - her skin inheriting some of the browned texture, while her hair tended towards a lustrous green. Though she did not inherit her father’s sense of humor, many of her looks do tend to bear a pronounced symmetry, as though the DNA of both her parents had come to a mutual and beneficial agreement on what she would inherit from each. With the full lips and sharp face of her mother, along with the (rare) confident grin of her father. Vivianne does, however, have a slight brush of freckles that she inherited from parties unknown and cannot explain; the diamond stud she has in the side of her nose only serves to highlight these with its glinting, and though she will quietly bemoan its presence to herself she has never had it removed. Two similar piercings are present in the lobes of each ear, and she constantly applies small arrangements of henna tattoos on her sides, tending to them and replacing them as need be. [b]Inspiration:[/b] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximilien_Robespierre]Robespierre[/url][/hider] [hider=Iris Fouquet][b]Name:[/b] Iris Fouquet [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Color:[/b] Powder Blue [b]Personality:[/b] Despite (or because of) the confrontational attitudes of the rest of her team Iris is by far the most personable member of her team. Upbeat and polite, even funny on good days, she often serves as the unofficial booming voice for VIVE, and such is her level-headed good spirit that even Vivianne can be coaxed into speaking politely to those that the team’s powerhouse chooses to engage in conversation. Far from being shunned, VIVE has come to appreciate the optimism and uncomplicated nature that Iris exudes. She maintains a good-hearted relationship with all three members of her team, often engaging in social situations with each. She plays no favorites in regards to whose company she enjoys most. [b]Armament:[/b] [i]Colour Guard:[/i] An eight foot long spear, polished and weighted specifically to Iris’ hand, the big girl can wield Colour Guard effectively in dizzying swirls of offensive or defensive maneuvers. The spear is unique in that its two forms share a single design - for tied underneath Colour Guard’s point is a large, billowing banner designed after Mistral’s flag. Serving as both a call to arms for their home country and a potent weapon against their host country, Colour Guard also utilizes two forms of Dust - the spear can be planted into the ground to create a brutal shockwave with a diameter of ten yards, throwing away any enemies that provide too much of a challenge for even the team’s physical powerhouse. The banner itself also doubles as a Dust outlet, and can buffet opponents backwards violently with air currents. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Daring, Daring, Daring:[/i] It is common knowledge that the Grimm are drawn to the negative emotions of their victims, traits that can lead to even seasoned Huntsmen and Huntresses being ambushed in the field. However, for those whose Semblance deals with the positivity and purity of human emotion, that emotion can be used as a sword - or a shield. Iris has one such Semblance, and is able to boost the fighting spirit and perception of those in the nearby vicinity through the use of vocal rallying cries or the shockwave of Colour Guard. However, this ability also has its own drawbacks - namely that positive emotion can be used to strengthen the resolve of those she is currently fighting, as well. In the hands of someone who derives power from such positive emotion, the combination could serve to throw Iris on the defensive. [b]Appearance:[/b] Even when not amongst her team, Iris is a mountain of a girl. Almost six and a half feet tall and muscular, she nonetheless manages to carry this gait with a certain grace and friendly ease. She’s tanned from what appear to be long hours on the beach (though you’d be hard-pressed to find a swimsuit tailored for her) with blonde hair cut boyishly short, light blue eyes and a wide smile. Her jawline tends towards a natural square strength, and her chin has a mild cleft in it, causing Veronique to wryly joke at times that she could play a superhero better than Spruce Willis. She wears Colour Guard slung over her left shoulder and can often be found with a bottle of flavored water or zero calorie sports drink in her hand. [b]Inspiration:[/b] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Danton]Danton[/url][/hider] [hider=Veronique Pressman][b]Name:[/b] Veronique Pressman [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Color:[/b] Ink Black [b]Personality:[/b] Veronique has always been a fiery girl, quick-witted and inquisitive to the point of coming across as dogged. Her thirst for complete knowledge and awareness of a given conversation or situation leads to her often jumping down the throats of those talking to her, and she is not known for her patience in a fight or around other students. Though she tends to be snappy and brusque even around her teammates, their well-being in a fight is paramount: she is not above wasting precious ink or her own time on summoning up a diversion to draw enemy attention, and - like every member of the team - she maintains a friendly relationship with Iris and a somewhat playfully aggressive one with Evangeline. Vivianne is respected as a leader but not considered a friend due to the woman’s sternness and cool under pressure, traits that Veronique finds as irritatingly opaque outside of battle as they are useful inside it. [b]Armament:[/b] [i]Fleau des Aristocrates:[/i] When many opponents see what Veronique’s weapon is on paper (oho!) they tend to scoff, and if you didn’t know any better, they would be within reason to. Veronique wields only a ratty three-subject notebook into battle, with the front and back cover completely torn off and a fountain pen utilizing four Dust-imbibed inks, clipped to a ratty set of metal rings holding the notebook together. At the start of every battle, she will pull her paper out from a nondescript black messenger bag and stand back, far away from the battle at large. The “mage” of the team, so to speak, Veronique’s true weapon is somewhat symbiotic, a mix-and-match combination of all three items; when she desires a construct, she will promptly pull out her pen and scribble two words: a construct, and a one-word specification that can be used to amplify the construct. For instance, if she were to summon something to bind an opponent, she would use red Fire ink and scribble out the words “cage” and “constrict.” She would then promptly ball up the paper, toss it into her bag, and open up the bag again quickly. What would come flying out would be akin to a net of fire, which sticks to the ground and traps an opponent in a cage of fire that shrinks in size around a struggling opponent. Most often, however, she utilizes this to give herself some form of defense when an opponent notices she’s seemingly undefended; she will summon up a sword and a shield with two scraps of paper and try to duel her way to a standstill until a teammate comes to rescue her. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Pere Duchesne:[/i] Veronique possesses arguably the team’s most off-putting Semblance; the ability to make grotesque paper-Dust hybrids act as constructs, specifically automatons. While her weapon can create such things as cages or tornados out of dust, [i]Pere Duchesne[/i] takes things a step further and can quite literally create a six-foot tall replica of any of her four teammates: Vivianne will be replicated as a neon-green automaton wielding the power of Wind dust, Sparr will be reborn as a fiery and near-suicidal Fire construct, Iris will be represented by a nigh-unstoppable golem of Earth, and Veronique will clone herself with an Ice-wielding clone if need be. She can only properly control two of these at a time before they begin to lose sapience, and their power ebbs away as more Dust-based attacks are used. [b]Appearance:[/b] The shortest of the four VIVE girls, at just under five and a half feet tall and slender as Iris’ spear, Veronique does not cut a very imposing figure. In fact, she tends to sink into the background unless called upon or arguing with someone, with a thin black hooded henley covering a black pixie cut, streaked with red along the bangs. As befits a feverish notetaker and rabid questioner, she wears a pencil behind each ear, point sticking outwards to give her the illusion of having writing utensils for piercings. Her face is pale, with round cheeks, dark eyes, and a thin-lipped mouth that tends towards stoic, straight lines. Only Sparr (and sometimes Iris) are known to coax a grin or laugh out of her, showing off teeth that, while small, white, and well-kept, bear signs of having recently been freed from braces. [b]Inspiration:[/b] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_H%C3%A9bert]Hebert[/url][/hider] [hider=Evangeline Sparr][b]Name:[/b] Evangeline Sparr [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Color:[/b] Blood Red [b]Personality:[/b] Evangeline is easily one of the most enthusiastic members of VIVE, but behind that enthusiasm is a solid, unshakeable determination. Every belief is held with steadfast resolve, and she would not surrender one inch (on or off the battlefield) without excellent reason. She comes off as a little hot-headed for this very reason, but no one would say her heart wasn’t in the right place. She sought to become a Huntress for the betterment of Mistral, the honor of her family, and the safety of the people. Second only to her dedication is her loyalty. Be it a cause, a person, or an organization, Sparr is loyal to her last breath. Vivianne finds her a little too hot-headed, but Evangeline is completely devoted to her leader (and her team’s) cause. She gets along quite well with Iris, in whom she finds a similar enthusiasm, but butts heads constantly with Veronique. Not out of any real malice, more like the playful argumentativeness of a close friend, but neither of the team’s most fiery members are likely to back down. On the battlefield Evangeline can be likened to a force of nature, carving her way through any target Vivianne deems to direct her at and protecting her teammates with similar ferocity. More than one foe has come away thinking that Evangeline must be some kind of Angel of Death, given that her attacks tore through their defenses as though they were made of paper. And not Veronique’s paper. [b]Armament:[/b] [i]Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite[/i]: A set of two massive revolvers, Liberte and Egalite, and a silver heater shield named Fraternite. The twin revolvers, Liberte and Egalite, are eight-shot auto-revolvers chambered for .460 magnum rounds. Evangeline keeps six pre-loaded speedloaders on her belt, with more rounds in pouches on that same belt. The twins can fire normal rounds, but more commonly fire different types of Dust rounds. The frankly immense size of their rounds allows both for a high quantity of Dust in each shot, and a genuinely astounding stopping power. Fraternite is capable, in its own turn, of unfolding into a short sword itself or splitting and attaching to its sister revolvers to act as a bayonet. The shield also has one additional property; it was imbued with Gravity Dust in its creation, and as a result, will cause anything that strikes its surface to become twice as heavy as before. The effect compounds, and as a result, every new blow makes the offending weapon exponentially heavier and thus slows down the wielder. Fraternite is worn secured to the forearm, thus freeing up both of Evangeline’s hands for her revolvers. [hider=Dust Round Examples] [i]Fire[/i]: The large payload of Dust turns these rounds into high-explosive munitions. [i]Steam[/i]: A single round can generate an immense cloud of steam, obscuring vision or burning a target. [i]Lightning[/i]: Chain lightning electrifies the target, and arcs outwards to catch any close-by targets. [/hider] [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Thermidor[/i]: So long as Evangeline remains faithful, she can make the impossible happen. Thermidor draws from her force of will to affect the world around her in remarkable ways. These effects are limited to objects not enveloped in another person’s Aura or objects enveloped within her own, but the effects can be potent. These alterations are activated by a vocalized statement that Evangeline believes without the slightest hint of doubt. If she says “Liberte will reach my target”, then no physical impediment will be able to stop its next shot. If she says “My enemy will not reach me”, then her enemy’s weapon will not penetrate whatever barrier (usually Fraternite) that separates it from her. If she says “I will not falter”, then not even her own exhaustion will slow her. These effects, however, do not stack. The activation of a new one will cancel the previous, and no effect will remain active for longer than two minutes. Additionally, they require Evangeline’s complete faith in order to work. If she wavers in her belief, Thermidor will fail. This qualifier rules out most effects that would completely break from physics, as well, as the subconscious mind can recognize what is truly impossible. [b]Appearance:[/b] Evangeline is a little taller than normal at 5’7”, with shoulder length brown hair and bright green eyes. She possesses a fit, athletic frame born from regular training and a faintly pale complexion. Her revolvers are always holstered at her sides, affixed to a reddish leather belt that holds up her durable jeans. She generally wears a simple black t-shirt underneath a deep red jacket buttoned all the way. Her boots are more practical than stylish, but frankly, that sums up her appearance in general. Fraternite is usually carried on her back, connected to a bandolier-style strap around her torso. The Mistralian emblem is carefully stitched on the collar of her jacket, while her own emblem is stitched on the opposite side. Her expression is usually one of a faint, almost eager grin, but it widens quite easily in the presence of those she likes. It turns predatory just as easily when she sets foot on the battlefield. [b]Inspiration:[/b] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Antoine_de_Saint-Just]Saint-Just[/url][/hider]