Looking to start a zombie rp since I can't find one (i blame my laziness). Just going to make crap up as I go along. This story will begin before the outbreak, during, and after. By the start of the rp, the virus (whatever it is) has already begun spreading across the world. So it will be somewhat known, however, when it hits it will be sudden and extreme. It will go along the same rules as the walking dead television show, for the most part. By that I mean the zombies will be similar, except not everyone is already infected and they don't turn when they die. The term 'zombie' does not exist in this world either, because it just sounds dumb when used and takes away from the immersion. Other than that, they are basically the same. Kill the brain! In the beginning, zombies can run or move faster, but as time goes on their body ages up and they become walkers. As far as the setting, I'll keep it simple. Such as 'the city', the 'forest', etc. Names of places can be made up by the writer, this is because most zombie rps I've seen are based in a specific place, such as Atlanta, and not everyone knows about Atlanta. The writer will be free to create areas and places, for example, if you want a beach or some sewers, go for it. Whatever helps to write. Realism is still key, however.