Ren took the Deathclaw's stillness as a chance. She aimed her laser rifle, and time seemed to slow and three laser beams shot out of the gun. The first hit the beast in the eye, and the other two blew off its wounded shoulder. Blood sprayed everywhere, but the missing limb just seemed to anger the Deathclaw more. Another roar escaped its giant mouth and it charged at nothing in particular. [i]Not the smartest abomination in Concord I see.[/i] Ren thought as she charged up her rifle, soft classical music filling her head instead of the Deathclaw's anger. Keeping the radio on wasn't the smartest move, but the Deathclaw occupied itself with the old man and the house that was splintering. She then saw a tiny arm poke out of the collapsing building. Ren wasn't concerned as she fired again, hitting the monstrosity in the chest with three red laser bullets.