Idris couldn't stop herself from letting out a low hiss when he had used the words 'cannon fodder' to describe the group, her eyes narrowing on the man despite what had been said to them no moments before. [b][color=00a651]"For someone who is to be a teacher, you really don't seem the sort to have earned that title well,"[/color][/b] she muttered crossly to no one in particular as she pulled her wet hair forward to ring it out, revealing a small pair of very white... and very wet, wings. She did not enjoy what he had said, but she could not fault some for thinking of some people as such, mainly because that was possibly the only thing she was good for. Letting out a noise, she sat down at one of the tables with the given towel and set to work drying herself off the best she could. Letting out a sigh, the young winged elf looked over at the female who had been forced to bark not moment before they had arrived to the Inn and gave her a curious look. [b][color=00a651]"So tell me... what was it like being forced to bark before everyone?"[/color][/b] she questioned, her tone was light, not at all condescending while most more than likely would have been, [b][color=00a651]"I would not have thought someone who was meant to be all mighty would stood so low as to make someone do such a thing."[/color][/b]