Irina nodded. As hard as she raked her brain she couldn’t think of any other options. The sad girl, the smell, it all fit together. And if this wasn’t the sad girl, then Irina did not want to find what other horrors the text was talking about. [color=0076a3]“Yea, I’ll come with you. Just give me a second.”[/color] She stared blankly into her box of items once more. Her entire body told her not to get up, to just stay in this room until she woke up from this nightmare. Slowly, Irina took the water bottle from the box and unscrewed the cap. She managed to get a few sips of water before putting the bottle away to save for later. The soup sounded pretty good about now too, she didn’t remember the last time she had eaten anything. With a sigh, Irina stood up with her box once more. She headed out of Grey’s room and towards the hall with the girl once more. This time, the smell didn’t even make her flinch. Standing next to the other girl, she looked down at the body. [color=0076a3]“Here, use this…”[/color] Irina grabbed the mattock out of her box and handed it to Grey, [color=0076a3]“It might help.”[/color] She hoped the object would at least keep her from having to get too close to the body, and whatever was inside of it.