[img]http://assets.cdn.moviepilot.de/assets/store/d1d9fcb792eb0212f3df879ab5e19baeb0f0cdf980f1f5faf86c2fc5ef4a/nikita4536.jpg[/img] [i]“Let’s have some Fun”[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Anna Pedrose [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5’7 [b]Weight:[/b] 146 lbs [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bi-Sexual [b]Religion:[/b] Agnostic [b]Occupation:[/b] Unemployed [b]Ability:[/b] Assimilation [b]Personality:[/b] Anna is a very dangerous individual who has little regard for others and is only concerned about her own self preservation. She is mentally instable, and is prone to mood swings but hates being called out on her neurosis. She enjoys her powers, and enjoys flaunting them. She is extremely reckless often going into things without thinking them through and very destructive having a love for causing havoc. She believes those with powers are superior to those without and is only a matter of time before they reign supreme. What’s most important to her is having fun and not giving a damn what anyone else thinks. She’s extremely self centered and only cares about herself, and is quite a bit sociopathic as she enjoys causing pain. [b]Background:[/b] Anna’s upbringing was not exactly typical, as she was born in a research facility owned by Primatech and studied due to her parents unique abilities. She was raised in the company facility, and was separated from her parents upon birth. She was kept captive, and monitored as she was developed over the years knowing little of the outside world as she was home schooled. She was mischievous and despite being contained was always getting into trouble. Eventually something went wrong and there was a massive attack on the facility she was contained in. Some Evo being held lost control, and damage was done to the facility. Anna was among those who survived, and escaped her ability allowing her to get rid of two surviving agents who attempted to subdue her. She quickly befriended another Evo named Glen who had been held captive by the Company for almost three years. Glen had seen Anna’s power in action and decided to take her under his wing. From then on Anna was raised by Glen, and blended into society learning more about the mysterious Company and people like her. With help from Glen who turned out to be an ex-CIA operative she managed to slowly integrate herself into normal life, although Glen always had them on to move to stay one step ahead of the Company. Eventually this all culminated into an end after she graduated high school, when her past finally caught up with her. She was confronted by some mysterious agents, and Glen fought them. Glen ended up being murdered, but Anna managed to fight the agents and win gaining information from them about how even though the Company was disbanded, she was still a person of interest. She learned she was connected to one of the Company’s most secretive operations known as Project Infinity that was disbanded after her disappearance and the destruction of the facility she was held at. Anna determined to learn more about herself, and her past went on a mission to find out more about the mysterious Company that ruined her life. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2c/63/3e/2c633e895dc081a0205ed067868d75dc.jpg[/img] [i]“Closed mouths don’t get fed”[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Jason Koravil [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 6’2 [b]Weight:[/b] 187 lbs [b]Ethnicity:[/b] African American/Caucasian [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Religion:[/b] Christianity [b]Occupation:[/b] Musician/Drug Dealer [b]Ability:[/b] Psionic Manipulation [b]Personality:[/b] Jason is a person who likes to know everyone’s next ten moves before he makes one. He is very self centered and puts his interests above others. He is a person who’s always focused on the big picture, and believes the ends justify the means. He is extremely confident in himself, and prides himself on knowing other’s weakness’s and using them to his advantage. He is all about his income, and will do whatever it takes to take care of any person/situation interrupting up with his money. He’s extremely good at manipulating others to serve his own agenda, and to do what he wants often by playing up the benefit’s they will have rather then his own. He is very passionate about music especially his and aspires to be the very best at his craft. He enjoys experimenting with other forms of conscious and desires to be enlightened. [b]Background:[/b] Jason was born into an interracial family his father being African American and his mother Caucasian. His father worked in law enforcement and was a rogue cop, and his mother worked in business. His parents regretted having him and only got married as a result of him but still remained happy family. Jason was someone who was always different, and ahead of his time. He was intellectual from a young age, and was better hanging out with adults from a young age. Being very mature his parents just trusted him and he was always off doing his own thing. As he grew up he started playing sports wanting to get a scholarship, but found out music was his passion. He self taught himself piano and managed to get a job as soon as he turned sixteen working at public and saved up money to get some equipment to get into recording and producing beats. He got less involved with sports and his life took a turn for the worst when his father caught some serious charges during an undercover investigation. He was fired, and charged with aiding a drug transaction and with his father imprisoned the quality of his life decreased. His mother was left to take care of them and at the age of fifteen the moved into an apartment having to sell their house. Jason struggled with seeing his mom, and had to adjust to his new lifestyle and became very focused on money. He’d also gotten into smoking marijuana, and by the time he was a junior high school the habit picked up, and he quickly become middle man and realized the money of the drug business despite his father’s situation and warnings to stay away. Jason got involved in the drug game, and began moving weed, and pills making a bunch of money while also focusing more on music, and it was during summer of junior year he manifested his power when he was pulled over with an ounce of weed, and a bunch of pills and he managed to mind control the cop to just leave him alone. Soon after Jason began having voice’s in his head and at first thought it was from experimenting with psychedelic drugs but discovered he could hear thoughts. He began to manifest his power in high school, and began practicing his power using it to become a straight A Student, and manage to get an academic scholarship and got even better at spreading his music business. Now he’s graduated from high school, and is about to start his sophomore year of college at New York University. Although as of late he’s been having plans for something bigger and greater then college enrollment. [img]http://assets-s3.usmagazine.com/uploads/assets/articles/83566-charlie-weber-how-to-get-away-with-murder-star-is-engaged-details/1424797885_charlie-weber-zoom.jpg[/img] [i]"People like me, we need to be controlled? Because absolute power corrupts absolutely, and we absolutely need order in this world."[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Bobby Griffin [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 6'2 [b]Weight:[/b] 211 lbs [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Religion:[/b] Agnostic [b]Occupation:[/b] Quantum Agent/CIA Agent [b]Ability:[/b] Gravity Manipulation [b]Personality:[/b] Bobby is a man who lives, and breaths for his occupation, described by many as a workaholic. He is a strong believer in absolute justice believing there is no excuse for crime, and that those who commit it should be punished. He is a strong supporter of checks and balances believing everything should have order and that society cannot function without law. He is not a fan of surprises, and likes to be aware of everything that's going on. He is slightly OCD, and can't stand mess or things being out of order. He is an extremely ruthless individual, and will willingly use excessive force to get things done. He believes in karma, and lives his life by the belief that whatever you do to others should be done to you as well. He enjoys the finer things in life, and when it comes to something he wants he strives to obtain the best. He believes romance is dead, although he's yet to give up on women and considers himself some what of a player but has no interest in commitment. [b]Background:[/b] Bobby Griffin was born and raised in an average middle class house hold with two working parents. Bobby grew up comfortable, and his parents put him in private school wanting him to get the best education possible. His father worked for the government, and his mother was a criminal defense attorney so he had a strong since of right and wrong instilled in him from a young age. He was the kid in school that rarely got in trouble, and was quick to report any "injustice" he may have seen occurring on campus. As he grew older this led to him being isolated from others among his age who were engaging in reckless behavior ranging from skipping class to underage drinking as he was quick to tell. Despite animosity from his peers he was loved by the staff and adults in general praised for his intelligence. Bobby ended up participating in student government, playing sports, and maintaining excellent grades. After graduating high school he went on to go to NYU to study criminal justice with the hopes of practicing law afterwards or going into law enforcement. It was during his later years in college when his powers first manifested when he intervened in a mugging taking place on two girls near campus. He was nearly killed by the muggers he fought off but his ability saved him. He fled the scene, and soon after was hunted down by the Company. He was "bagged & tagged" but thanks to the nature of his ability managed to overpower some of his captors and sought to escape. It was only due to the intervention of Mr. Linderman that stopped him, and he was taken aside to learn more about the organization and what it meant. Linderman saw potential in him that the other high ranking members in the organization who simply believed he needed to die. Bobby was grateful to Linderman who gave him a second chance, and a purpose beyond just going to become a lawyer. He realized there were many people who managed to parade around committing injustice and beat the system. Bobby rose in the ranks of the Company while still focusing on his studies. He graduated college successfully, and went on to pursue a career in law enforcement. Bobby felt he could use his abilities to combat crime, and still help out the company. Thanks to his various connections he quickly rose up in the ranks, and ended up working for the FBI. Throughout his journey he was appalled by the levels of corruption he saw in his field, and ended up joining the CIA. However he began getting angrier by the day because despite all the "good" he felt he was doing his country it wasn't enough. There was too many people escaping the iron fist of justice, and he felt enough was enough. It only got worst with the detoration of the Company that people who helped him hone his powers, and give him a renewed sense of purpose in life. Everything was falling apart in his life which was only worsened when Claire Bennet exposed evolved humans to the world. Bobby made sure to wiggle his way into the CIA's Evo Task Force wanting to be in the fore front of dealing with Evo issues. He eventually found out his purpose in life when he was approached and recruited into Quantum due to his ability and several government connections. He quickly rose up in the ranks believing that people with powers were dangerous, and just like anyone else in the world they needed to be controlled, they needed to be handled, they needed to be dealt with, they needed justice.