Chiari woke the next day in an empty cabin, with the same empty feeling they had woken up with so many times before. Perhaps it was just something that came with the perpetual hide-and-seek game that had become their life, feeling like nobody else existed until they tried to purposefully avoid them. Rolling their head to the side, the pale youth looked over to the rucksack on the floor next to the bed. It was kind of nice that they had been assigned a currently empty cabin; less awkwardness with the whole..."what are you" deal... Plus, it wasn't strange to just keep everything in the bag rather than putting it away somewhere. Easier to grab later on if moving quickly became necessary. Sitting up slowly, they yawned and looked down at their hand as they tested their camouflage ability. Yep, a good night's sleep had done wonders! It came so quickly and naturally, and there wasn't any odd distortion. Perfect for another day of hiding out. [i]...Yeah, I really ruined any chance of not having to do that, huh? It would have been nice to have at least one person to play with while the game continued...[/i] The pale teen sighed, of course it had gone that way. Without that much interaction within their own age group, people were harder to be around than they thought. Maybe avoiding them again wasn't such a bad idea. [i]At least I can go find out what that bell was for. No need to interact for that.[/i]