-Indominus- Day 16 / Afternoon / LVL 16 [b][HP][/b][i]73%[/i][color=ed1c24]///////-[/color][b][][/b] Dom growled as his fist was snared and struggled to escape the grab but quickly gave up as Nenas follow-up thrust her palm with his own strength directly back at him. [color=fdc68a][i]DAMNIT![/i][/color] Dom scrounged his mind for a way out but realized too late it would be a battle of who could take the most punishment. The palm-strike hit home on his chest and blasted the air from him, knocking almost 1/4 of his considerable HP in a single counter strike but Nena still held his arm, preventing any escape or retaliation on his own part. [color=fdc68a][i]Plan B it is then![/i][/color] Unlike Smart who was as elegant and graceful as any pro figure skater on ice, Indominus earned his name by refusing to acknowledge he was about as graceful as a beached whale. As Nena retracted her palm-thrust, Dom took a running step forward and grabbed the back of her head pulling her forehead into his own incredibly thick cranium with all the force he could muster, breaking the grip long enough for him to boot her away and gain some distance. Though not a very damaging attack it served its purpose. Indominus gave his head a shake from side to side and stumbled for a moment as his free hand rested on his temples. [color=fdc68a]"Gonna feel that later.."[/color] He grumbled.