As if she could feel the old man's (Whom she assumed to be Arbos), irritation, she slipped back, away from what was about to happen. She watched in slight bewilderment and amusement as the younger girl fell onto all fours and started to bark like a dog. This man was powerful indeed. Arda couldn't help but stifle a giggle as she listened to Arbos speak to them. Even though he was being condescending and rude to them, she couldn't help but find a little bit of charm behind the blatant insults. She liked people who were blunt and to the point. She felt a slight tingle go down her spine when Arbos warned them of what would happen if they disobeyed him, she could feel his killing intent. She hadn't felt such an air of authority before, she didn't know what to make of it, but she went with it rather than complaining. Complaining would only put her in a similar if not worse situation than barking like a bitch. When Arbos strode past her and the others, he suddenly clicked his fingers. Everyone, except his silver attired 'guards' collapsed in an instant. The pressure was overwhelming, pushing Arda into a crouching ball as she tried to fight the force, her arms straining as she pushed against the ground to keep herself from being crushed. The pressure released as fast as it came, she slowly got up, her muscles trembling from the sudden tension. It didn't take her long to shake it off as she followed after her new 'master' and his guards. As she and the others got soaked by the heavy rain, she noticed that Arbos and the guards weren't wet at all. They were bone dry. She saw as the water droplets just...stopped as it approached them. How fascinating. It was a while before they came across a tavern by the name of "Winchester Pub". --- She quietly thanked the woman who gave her the towel, before proceeding to dry herself, starting with her long black hair. Arda felt like she could just wring it out like a wet cloth. She stared in awe at Arbos' incorporeal form, his eyes golden, similar to her own but more... shiny. The pale Cauhri wondered what it was like to be a spectre. Perhaps it was boring? Immortality sounded quite boring to her. She glanced over to the other women, not really attempting to engage in conversation and concentrating on drying herself. Should one of them try to talk to her, she wouldn't be entirely opposed to it.