[@Remipa Awesome][@Aintitfun1997] [i][color=red] "Sounds good to me." [/color][/i] Justine glanced over at Krystyn, who looked more exhausted than she had ever seen anyone in her life. [i][color=red] "If you get tired, wake me up and I'll take watch for a while so you can get some sleep. I'm a night owl most of the time anyway." [/color][/i] She picked up the shotgun to make sure the safety was on just in case it fell off the counter or something. There would be no accidents on her watch. She doubted she would sleep much but anything was better than nothing at this moment. She hadn't slept in over 48 hours and she suddenly felt her anxiety and fatigue overwhelm her. She climbed into the bed next to Krystyn and tried to shut her eyes. The sound of Buddy's breathing helped her relax.