Thea sat quietly through Arbos’s ‘instructions’, her face a mask of the thrill of excitement coursing through her. For having felt such a sense of disappointment upon initially seeing the weathered old man she had been sufficiently convinced that he truly was as powerful as the stories foretold – if not more so! To witness his abilities had been exhilarating and terrifying all at once – unable to move and the girl that was forced to bark. It was truly awe-inspiring. Toweling off her long white blonde hair, a ghost of a smile crossed her face as he disappeared, his gleaming eyes giving her the impression that he could even go so far as to read her mind. Hiding a shiver of excitement she turned her attention to the others at the table. She wasn’t the greatest at making friends – but if these were to be the people she’d be training with she knew she needed to put in a good effort regardless of how uncomfortable it made her. She was shocked to see wings on woman sitting next to her; the villages of Jaw Pass didn’t exactly encourage diversity, but couldn’t conceal a snicker of amusement when she asked the younger girl about the whole barking fiasco. “Are you really surprised?” she asked the winged elf after her comment on Arbos’s behavior. “I think it was an incredibly effective means of teaching us the kind of attitude that won’t be tolerated,” she said pointedly, glancing at the younger girl. “We are here to be taught after all – it’s not as though we’ll be able to fight with our [i]‘wit’[/i] alone.” The sarcasm in her tone was not subtle, a snarky smile pulling at her lips. Even before she knew just how powerful Arbos was she had found the younger girl’s words rather rude. “My name is Thea, by the way,” she continued, glancing at the others.