[quote=@Caits] I feel so bad, I've half finished mine and you've started! Sorry! I'll try and get it finished soon [/quote] You still have time to make it before the opening posts are all done. I just realized while doing the IC that I don't have a character posted yet. I don't want to only use Hidden Eagle either. How did you guys feel about my AI race? And the stork carriers. XD I have an episode idea where we land in a desolate heaven communication tower that was attacked by virous or something and we save a baby machine that's actually monstrous in size. I didn't mention it on the wiki yet because I had no time, but the floating race is friends with the four leg two arm race. They can ride on their backs into battle for an epic combination! The floating race is one of the few can easily trust. Typing about this, it could be fun making a character that has both of them always together. I have too many other characters I also want to try, though. Hmm...I could have other characters in short stories of my own. A Faera could be good to interact with y-00, but in the first attempt at an andreemea roleplay I had used a Nimin that I'd like to give another shot.