[@gun] Much to the surprise of the Mech's pilot, the shield didn't shatter from the railgun's slug, hardly budging even and the incoming holy weapon merely slowed down by a pitifully meager amount, yet the shock of the impact causes the Angel's muscles to tense, making the punch to go astray, enough for the Mech to dodge, forcing the blow to whiff and yet even a near miss like that caused a section of its armor to become uncomfortably hot due to the friction caused by the shield grinding against the plating. Gritting his teeth at having severely underestimated his opponent, the Angel suddenly lashes out with his legs, kicking himself away from the mech in order to unleash his more powerful-and draining techniques. At the very moment the fangs jockeyed into position in order to box in and fire at the holy warrior as he sails away, he spares the Fangs surrounding him a cold glare before casting a spell upon itself. "[color=662d91]Execute: Sonic Move.[/color]" The Fangs then unleashed their destructive light and fury upon their target, seemingly consuming him utterly in their radiance. Yet Kyrie's sensors do not lie: The Angel wasn't done yet! On the upper corner of his eyes, he catches a purple glint flashing across his Fangs, so fast that even his mech couldn't fully perceive what just happened, but he found out soon a moment later with his machine telling him that all four of the remote weapons he deployed have sustained heavy damage from a single attack, enough to make it very risky to keep flying around if he wishes to get more use out of them. As the Freedom's systems adjusts to the massively increased speed of the enemy, an abrupt and thunderous impact on the back of Kyrie's machine threatened to send it toppling, its auto-balancers and Servosystems being pushed to the utter limits of their construction just to keep it upright.