[quote=@thewizardguy] [@Savato] Personally I put her somewhere around Mach 50, but I only have limited knowledge on Naruto. [@dirty slime] All Sidious has is a statement that he's the most powerful. But Vitiate, by feats, annihilates him. Sidious drained a planet over an extended period of time. Sidious instantly life-wiped an entire planet, including dozens of Jedi Masters and incredibly powerful Sith. He mind-controlled an entire planet's population at once, and unlike with Sidious, he does it instantly, and then makes the planet's population start killing one another. And he also mind controlled 8000 Sith at once, and performed another planet-wide lifewiping attack, although that one was a ritual. Vitiate's lightning was so powerful that Revan, a master of Tutanamis capable of absorbing lightsabers and lightning from elite Sith, was burned to a crisp just trying to absorb it. Vitiate was able to bare-handedly casually swat away the lightsaber of one of the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, and broke the minds of Jedi masters with nothing more than a glance. Sidious ain't got shit on Vitiate. [/quote] His life drain is simply not as impressive as Force Storm. It takes much more energy to bend reality to your will and make it explode into confetti with some concentration than it is to scour a planet of life, and as strong as the Sith Lords are, the ritual and everything else afterwards was, yet again back during when there were many Sith and the Dark side wasn't fully concentrated on a select few, meaning that Valky simply didn't have as much Power to throw around as Sidious. And Revan getting overpowered by Valky's force lightning isn't as impressive as Palpatine making a lightsaber blade bend towards Windu's face, a lightsaber that was bouncing his energy right back at him mind you. And even after his Ritual, he still needed tools and relics and other Darksiders (dreadmasters) to fully utilize his stolen power. Sidious? Just some preparation and focus and he can do it all on his own. Even if you can argue that his force feats are better, he still hasn't shown anything close to the level of Palpatine mindfucking Coruscant and Byss or pulling the wool over the eyes of the entire Jedi Council for all of the clone wars in terms of mental strength. Yes it was all over a long period of time, but he kept it constantly going for [i]years[/i] and without even expending too much effort for it. It's the difference between stuffing your mouth with food in a massive feast and eating from your cache, you only tire yourself out and expend unnecessary effort for doing it in a frenzy while doing the former, while the latter sustains you and ultimately makes you stronger in the long run. I mean, Valky had to constantly switch bodies as his flesh puppets kept dying on him from his power while Palps simply had the misfortune of having been betrayed and given defective clones. Oh and Palpatine is simply the greatest Sith lightsaber duelist of all time. A field of combat that Vitiate hasn't very good feats for. Not so easy trying to eat the "Embodiment of the Dark Side" as he tries to slice you into ribbons is there?