I hope this guy is okay, I reused the old Demon that I like to use to have ownership of souls, but changed the guy. Hope this is okay Sora Name: "Smiling" Nick Pleasant Age: 17 Appearance: [img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_sakOyquCXGw/TO0gxt8k4YI/AAAAAAAADmg/2x10CBsHeLM/s1600/AntonyJerram_Kilgour3.JPG] Species: Human, well as human as you can be after being tossed into the ass end of hell for eleven years Weapons: Na'at: a silver thorn branch of a particular tree that grows in hell that looks roughly like it and it's branches are made from a hybrid of a rose bush and barbed wire. At it's smallest it is 5 centimeters and 3 meters at it's longest, taking as little as half a second. It is most commonly used as a spear, but can be made flexible like a whip. It is fulled by the users blood. More blood in, the longer it gets, absorb the blood back, gets shorter. Abilities: Nick is a living embodiment of "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". If Nick is stabbed in the stomach the resulting scar tissue will be stab resistant, if he's burnt the burnt parts are flame resistant. The more he is damaged in a way, the more resistant he is to it i.e. if shot with a lot of bullets over an extended period of time, the less damage it will do and the quicker he can recover from it. Not immune, but ignore-able. A bullet will still get into his chest and hurt enough to make him pass out, but it would be just as useful as shooting a pile of jelly. Surgery would be needed to remove said bullets, and as long as they are in there it would feel like a crazy chef with a cheese-grater was working on the inside of his chest, but he could go about day to day life. Relationship Status: Single Background: Nick was six when he was used as a trade to a summoned demon. Something to get Mum's soul back according to Dad, although it could have simply been an excuse to kill Nick, he'd shot Nick twice after all. Well unlike how most of these stories go, the ritual was a success. Mum got her soul and Nick became the ownership of a demon known as Tall Man. Tall Man was rather kind as far as demons went, he made sure Nick didn't die and taught him more about etiquette and manners than his father or mother ever did, though they did tend to be rather out of place in hell, even gave him a special diet of hellish meats that increased his durability to survive in the world he had been tossed into. Nick's manners are what earned him the nickname "Smiling" as he always grinned and had perfect manners, even when he was shredding hell-spawn with a branch of demonic tree or being shredded by said hell-spawn. Other: a side effect of Nick's hell diet made his blue irises seem as if they were crushed stained glass, a bit jagged around the edges and sparkled in the right light. Hums "This is Halloween" when bored