[i]Sit? Why would I-[/i] Selessia couldn't even finish the thought before she noticed her body starting to move all by its own. She tried to struggle, but her body had stopped obeying her completely. What was this ability? This was nothing like the nullomancy she was taught. The man then told her to bark. And no matter how hard she tried to resist the urge, she barked like a dog. Ashur had told her that the man was an asshole, but this exceeded her expectations. She glared at him furiously as the barking continued. However, his murderous eyes quickly evoked a sense of fear within her. Had Selessia learned her lesson? Probably not, but she would at least not talk that much to the spectre directly. After all, the guy seemed to have no sense of humor. That said, she could somewhat appreciate the nickname 'emperofag', too bad she was too busy barking to tell him that. Five hours and a rainstorm later they would arrive at the Winchester pub. The richness of the establishment made her remember of Ashur's mansion. It seemed he had taken some inspiration from this place when it came to designing its interior. The woman, Maggie, was someone that seemed more to Selessia's tastes. She actually had the guts to talk to the spectre with a conflicting opinion, albeit still with some respect. Selessia scoffed at the notion of being this man's minion OR cannon fodder. She might not be the most accomplished nullomancer around, but she did pretty well for three weeks of practice. Selessia let out a loud "hmph." as she released a bit of charge from her heat crystal. It took half a minute at most for her to dry. She wasn't going to let the spectre humiliate her any further. She could dry herself just fine, thank you very much! She got herself a drink and sat down before one of the others spoke to her. However, most of her words were lost on her as she noticed something for far greater interest. Her eyes grew large and showed a curious twinkle "Are... are those wings?" her voice was filled with awe. "How did you? How can... I want wings! Can you fly?" Her upbeat mood quickly dissipated afterward as another mingled in, her words buzzed around Selessia like a pair of annoying flies. The woman introduced herself as Thea. "I guess he needs some way to get people to follow him without any charisma." she stuck up her nose. "My former teacher could teach me well enough [i]without[/i] making me bark like a dog, thank you very much." She hadn't found her words to the spectre to be that rude at all. Maybe she hadn't called him her 'master', 'lord' or 'supreme guru', but that didn't mean she had been disrespectful. And really, couldn't the mighty spectre get a better vessel than an old man that smelled like he had lived on the streets for three decades? "Selessia." she replied.