Krystyn was out like a light and was snoring softly using her arm as a pillow her head turned to the door. Buddy lets out a huff and shifts a bit getting comfy so that his people could be comfortable. His ears pricked at the sound of howling the noise must've woken Krystyn up because next thing the pup felt was a hand on his head. "[color=37FDFC]Rest Bud, we've done enough. yer still a puppy there's only so much ya can do," She whispers calming the pup down. Buddy lets out a low noise,"Don' worry it won' be long 'till we're back out there kickin' ass but fer now rest[/color]," She says before her closed her eyes and fell asleep again Buddy whimpers worried about his master and her friends he lays his head on his front paws and watched the door. He will stop anyone from hurting his family. That was a dead set promise