He is mostly finished. I still need to build up his background and that of the entire Salesh wiki page as a whole. I added a few notes to give some idea about them but I am still rounding out the rough edges. [hider=Do'Rak][img]http://safebooru.org//images/95/12cc141c0bbee8e5b1d15aa4150e318850544cf0.jpeg?94424[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Do'Rak of the Rakador [b]Age:[/b] 79 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] [url=http://andreemea.wikia.com/wiki/Salesh]Salesh[/url] [b]Homeworld:[/b] Rakador Clan World, Rocoth [b]Position:[/b] Executive Officer [b]Personality:[/b] Do'Rak is an extremely loyal person who values honor and integrity above all else. He is the type that does not know the meaning of betrayal as he grew up in a society where giving your word meant everything and glory could only be found in glorious battle. He is the kind of Salesh that will always speak his mind and never understood the political side of things which requires a softer touch. As a commander he is strict on the men under him as he expects them to live up to the standard set by his race even if they are not Salesh themselves. This has cause some problems in the past when he had expected something to be done and he was not completed to his expectations. Like many Salesh he holds his pride extremely high, meaning that he will not use any weapons not made by the Salesh resulting in the use of only melee weapons combined with his shield generator. In the last twenty years, Do'Rak entered into a sort of depressive state with the decline of the Salesh clans as a race. For sometime he lost his drive as a warrior and felt no drive to pursue any mercenary work for about five years. After about five years, the rest of his brood tracked him down bring him back to the battlefield and attempted to bring him out of his slump. This worked somewhat and he has been functioning ever since, but has yet to regain his former state of mind. [b]Appearance:[/b] Height: 6'9" Weight: 649lbs Distinct Features:[list] [*]Razor sharp rows of teeth and claws [*]Several missing teeth replaced with 33 sharpened golden replacements [*]Thick scaled skin [*]Sharp skiped spine running from base of his neck down his tail[/list] Clothing: Do'Rak is clothed in golden armor that is traditional among his people. See picture for that is the armor that he actually wears. He never actually wears the skull when on the ship and only sees fit to wear it when leaving the ship and when intimidation is needed. The bracelets on his wrists are a part of Salesh technology that house micro shield generators that can project a personal round shield that Do'rak can hid behind when under fire from rifles and still advance. [b]Abilities:[/b] Do'Rak is a master at hand to hand combat and all types of close quarters warfare from his time on the battlefield. This gives him good situational awareness when in the heat of battle and he has a knack for reading the flow of battle when needed. Besides his primal nature and knowledge of fighting, Do'Rak is fairly strong with him being able to life up to a thousand pounds at the limit of his strength and can swing a five foot sword with enough force to cleave a man in two with ease. [b]Equipment:[/b][list] [*]2 wrist shield generators [*]Large single handed club lined with Salesh claws and teeth [*]Salesh traditional armor lined with defensive technology to fend off a limited amount of blaster fire and melee attacks [/list] [b]Biography:[/b] (anything else of note about them, mainly their history. You can keep a lot about them a secret to build up over time if desired) [/hider] Notes: [list][*] Salesh gold is not like earth gold has and properties similar to that of steel. [*]Salesh scaled skin is similar to that of kevlar leading to Salesh favoring melee weapons to that of ranged projectiles. [*]The Salesh has a whole race is on the decline with the lost of all Clan worlds with only hundreds of mercenary Brood bands roaming the galaxy. [*]A Brood is a pack of 30-40 Salesh (Male and Female) that are born together and trained together into a single cohesive fighting force that stay together for their entire lives.[/list]