[b]Name:[/b] "Genbu" [b]Age:[/b] Roughly 400, though he looks to be in his late thirties. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img04.deviantart.net/e70a/i/2015/234/d/7/the_last_ronin_by_benoit_godde-d96ogx8.jpg]Genbu[/url] is a man of average height and build, but possesses the physique and discipline of a supreme soldier. His features are mostly unremarkable, apart from his obviously foreign heritage, with a sharp chin, crooked nose and a rough, shaggy beard. Interestingly for a warrior, not a single scar mars his face or body. His eyes are dark and deep-set, and his gaze is seemingly unfocused; staring through the world rather than looking at it. Long, black hair is typically tied back in a high ponytail, when not obscured by a straw farmer's hat. Worn, dark robes carrying the sigils of his forgotten clan are his typical attire, though in battle he sometimes dons a patchwork suit of armor: a curious mix between traditional plate armor and the traditional scaled armor of his homeland. [b]Bio:[/b] The man known as "Genbu" was born in a far off land, in a time long since past. His many years have not been kind to his memory, and so he remembers little of his early life. His childhood, parents, and even his birth name are lost to the abyss of time. He remembers having been born into a wealthy and powerful clan of warrior-nobles (the "bushi," sometimes "samurai" in his native tongue) in service of a feudal lord. He was raised as a professional soldier, and proved his skill in battle from an early age. However, the elders of his clan plotted against their master, and his clan was purged as punishment. Whether by luck or fate Genubu survived these purges, and was left as a warrior without a master. Tradition would dictate that such a warrior should commit honorable suicide, but Genbu was an impetuous young man with much to prove, and so set out as knight-errant; an outlaw for hire, called "ronin." Mercenary work came easily to Genbu, as the destruction of his clan had hardened his heart to other, smaller tragedies. Sometimes employed by feuding nobles, other times by criminal organizations, Genbu's profession was steel and death, and he was skilled in it. It came to be that in one instance he was hired by a village to track down and kill a rampant demon, or "oni," and so ventured into the mountains to slay the monster. Instead of a hideous ogre, he instead found a beautiful woman who pleaded with him to spare her life. A monster all the same to Genbu, he battled her for hours on end, until she eventually gained the upper hand and mortally wounded him with her magic sword. Genbu remembers little of what happened after, but when he regained his senses the demon had disappeared, and he was left with her sword, which had bound itself to his soul. Cursed with immortality by the Eldritch Arm now in his possession, Genbu wandered the land, honing his skill in arms to become the greatest warrior of all. He mastered secret and mystic styles of combat and swordsmanship taught by ascetic monks and spirits of the land, and his skill was without compare. However, the worst fate that could befall a soldier then swept through his homeland: peace. With the warring lords united under a single emperor, Genbu departed his homeland to find a place where a soldier of his calibre could find employment. He arrived at a nation called Galadia during a time called the Age of Wars and Blood. Surely there could be no greater opportunity for a warrior, and so he spent more than a century as an unkillable mercenary, owing his allegiance to whoever paid him the most. However, his many years of killing and committing other atrocities wore on him, and he began to feel empty inside. Devoid of peace and meaningful relationships, he began to despair at his endless life. He sunk into a depressed stupor for many decades, wandering in search of anything that could end his miserable existence. He found no solace in this time, though he lost many of his memories and his skills dulled from the superhuman peak at which they once stood. In time his despair lessened, as his mortal anxieties began to fade away. He still wanders the land in search of an honorable death, though he accepts that his time will come as fate decides it, and in the meantime wishes to heal his damaged soul. [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHRvx8amSSo]Theme[/url] [b]Arcane/Eldritch Arm:[/b] Genbu is bound to the Eldritch Arm known as Kokorowatari (meaning "the passage across the heart"). Its normal state is that of a traditional curved sword with a single blade, typical of Genbu's homeland. While its length can change dramatically, it naturally takes the shape of an "odaichi," a usually ceremonial sword nearly as long as Genbu is tall. The handle is black leather with red wrappings, and the golden crossguard resembles the face of a snarling demon. Kokorowatari does not augment Genbu's skills in any particular way; rather, it imbues him with immortality. He does not age, and he is untouched by disease and other illness. His body has remarkable regenerative abilities, to the point where it is seemingly impossible for him to die. Wounds from blades, arrows, fire or other weapons heal moments after being inflicted, and he can even recover lost limbs by reattaching them from where they were severed. That is not to say that he does not feel pain, though after centuries of battle his tolerance is much greater than a common man. Poisons rarely affect him, nor do drugs or other substances. Genbu theorizes that the only ways that he can truly die would be to have his head completely cut off in a single stroke (a fate that he has only nearly, but not completely, suffered), or for his entire body to be incinerated. [b]Standard Form:[/b] As mentioned, Kokorowatari's typical form is that of a typical ceremonial greatsword from Genbu's homeland, though its length can change to suit his needs; varying from a short sword ("wakizashi") to the maximum of its natural length. Even as a seemingly-mundane sword, its craftsmanship is supernatural in its quality; it never dulls, never breaks, and is sharp enough to cut a leaf flowing down a gentle stream. [b]Alternate Form:[/b] Rather than assume the form of another weapon, Kokorowatari can instead split into two identical swords, which can change in length as well. [b]Overbreak Form:[/b] If Genbu achieves a state of sufficient focus and bloodlust, Kokorowatari unleashes its Overbreak form: Kokorowatari no Akuma ("the devil's passage across the heart"). In this state, the blade does not undergo any significant physical changes, though the grip and crossguard fall off, and the blade's length cannot change from its natural state as a massive greatsword. Kokorowatari no Akuma is a blade of demon-killing, and inflicts tremendous damage to supernatural entities with even the slightest wound. As well, Genbu's regenerative abilities are increased dramatically; he recovers from wounds often faster than they can be inflicted to him. Even if he were to lose a limb, a new one would regrow completely from the severance before the old limb hit the ground. [b]Unleashed Form:[/b] Little is known about the true form of this Eldritch Arm, most of all how to unlock it. The Unleashed from is known as Yumewatari ("the passage across the dream"), and takes the shape of a short sword without a grip or crossguard. It is said to be a blade of demon-reviving, though what this means and how it can be used are both mostly unknown. Genbu suspects that it is in this form that the sword was passed down to him, as it healed him from a wound that should have killed him.