Idris was mildly surprised to have caught the attention of someone who seemed to be of a similar age as herself, though her attention was diverted by the young women, Selessia if she remembered correctly, asking about her wings. A small frown crossed her features at the mention of the useless appendages that were now currently flapping behind her in an attempt to dry out. It was very clear to her that she was the only Non-Cauhri in the group, not only because of her wings, but also because of her build. While she knew them to be strong, she did not know many who had to climb mountains constantly throughout their life to get to where they wanted to be. Letting out a soft sigh, she rubbed her face dry with a towel and finally turned her attention to those who had spoken to her. [b][color=39b54a]"As it is only fair... my name is Idris,"[/color][/b] she said as she set the towel down, [b][color=39b54a]"To answer your questions little one, no... I cannot fly. They are not nearly as large as they would need to be in order for me to do such a thing, though I am a rather magnificent climber, or so I've been told. As for his actions being an acceptable means of showing us what would not be tolerated... I rather find myself wanting to do what this one did just for laughs."[/color][/b] Offering Thea a small smile, though it was clear that it was not something she did often, she settled herself down in a seat and worked on drying her clothing. While she was fully capable of utilizing one of her stones, she preferred not to use them unless absolutely necessary. Idris had spent most of her life working hard for everything she had gotten, which was what tied into her mindset to not utilize her crystals unless she felt the absolute need to do so. [b][color=39b54a]"So how long do you think everything will take?"[/color][/b] she questioned, though it was not aimed at anyone in particular, [b][color=39b54a]"I Would assume that he is not an extremely patient man as he seemed to pay no mind to the one male who seemed to keep himself separate from the rest of us."[/color][/b]