[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [@Jotunn Draugr]First off, I've already state I cannot see imgur and require people to use tinypic at least for land claims. Its in the rules. What do you mean by "Modern, industrial farming equipment"? Modern stuff is actually really complex full of electronics, big harvesters and even satellites. Industrial age things like simple tractors might be allowed, but nothing modern by our standards. So wait, how technologically advanced are you? As stated above, there is nothing which can rival the old world in terms of tech even in farming levels. I've already made a similar note about oil refineries and pump jacks in a previous post, the way you've worded it sounds like they rediscovered the technology for oil-related things. But I'll let Dihn talk more about that. As for military, two things: 1) You said in your religion that are stress peace and stuff: I can only assume that you mean that it cherry picks parts of the belief but you've said you are a "Communist Christian Theocracy" which leads to something of a bit of a paradox in what your people actually believe in versus the need for a professional army instead of well trained militia that are just summoned for defense. 2) In general some more details would be welcomed, exact demographics don't matter as much to me compared to the actual total numbers and the stuff under the "Military Units" tab just seems... bland and boring compared to other people's. [/quote] Okay. I'll repost in tinypic. All I was really thinking was tractors, combines, and grain silos. Things that might not be common in every country. My idea about what makes the Hutterites such a neat addition to this world is they wouldn't have been hit by any bombs during the war. So anything that could be maintained and repaired over the years might still exist in some form, however primitive and junky. Imagine a rusted out tractor, with parts replaced with salvage, but a tractor nonetheless. Any chance you could save me the trouble of reading through 13 pages of posts, and sum up what the restrictions on oil are? I've based the culture, ethnicity, and religion of my country off of a real group of people, called the Hutterites. They are alive today, and they're basically Amish, except they think it's okay to use modern farming equipment. In real life, they self identify as a Communist Christian Theocracy. All property is owned by the state, and the state enforces strict Christian laws on its citizens. The Hutterites don't believe in violence. The entire army of Gottesland is composed of Non-Hutterite minorities, who are treated like Native-Americans on reserves, with a lot of exemptions and special circumstances. The Hutterites don't believe in enforcing their laws on Non-Hutterites. I can expand the military info, no problem. Just wanted to get the application out there ASAP, to see if the country was otherwise acceptable. Edit: [img]http://oi66.tinypic.com/2m7bt01.jpg[/img] Again, the size of the country is important, because it accurately reflects the real locations of the Hutterite colonies of Canada today, and emphasizes the fact that the country is mostly open farmland, with a lot of distance between each town/outpost. Even today, the vast majority of Canada's prairie provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba) are mostly empty, with long stretches of unoccupied grassland.