[quote=@Jotunn Draugr] Well ethanol is one thing. So what's the rule on proper oil? Alberta is one of the richest oil reserves in North America. It's literally mixed in with the dirt. You can just filter the crude out of the ground. As for parts, are there no machines anywhere in America anymore? Surely it could be traded for. And as for being a pain in the ass, these are religious zealots who are banned from enjoying any type of entertainment. All they do all day is work. Fixing a broken engine would almost be a relief, because it would be a break from doing the same thing every day of their bland lives. I think it could hypothetically work, but it's up to you guys. If not, can you tell me if horses exist in this world? [/quote] The rule on oil and oil refineries is that at best its been hit by several cruise missiles or something like that and at worse got a nuke to the face. Alberta would have been a massive target because of its fuel reserves and most likely got its face imploded at the end of the world. Any major refinery and oil field would have been targeted and blown to bits; sure there are primitive or salvaged refineries and pump jacks, but they work no where near close to modern machines. Even if you did manage to make some, it'd most likely be pretty shit quality as the machines and methods of purification would be something like a lost art or just incapable of being reproduced. There are still machines in America, its just that its highly recommended that people keep the more advanced goodies to themselves. Think of it this way: you have a nice high tech piece of machinery like a harvester, what would you trade it for? You can't just build another one so raw materials is out, a sum of food wouldn't do much since now you have just traded something that could assist food production for a lump sum which isn't a good investment, sure you could just spend it on riches and gold and that stuff, but what use is that? While I do see your point about zealots, how many of those zealots would know how an engine works? How a truck fits together? How gun mechanisms work in detail? Manpower means little if you don't have the resources or knowledge to use it. Look at China's Great Leap Forward, almost the entire country got on board with "backyard steel forges" but no one knew how to really make steel outside of the villages who had a history of metal working meaning just about all the metal was too poor quality to be used. But horses and other pack animals still exist so you don't have to worry too much about that. [@Trigani] I'll try to get something up tomorrow about it once I've gotten some more time and sifted through the OOC.