[color=DarkRed][h1]The Infernal Codex[/h1][/color] Djinn: Incorporeal demons that must take on a human host to exist as complete beings in the mortal world. Majority of these exist as smoke forms without a host however some remain tied to their host bodies even after destruction and must lure another close to it in order to make a transfer. The smoke forms can move at great speeds but lack the ability to affect anything in the physical world. They are also vulnerable to certain types of magic in this form. While in a human host these types of demons are much more stable. Having a host leaves them with only two weaknesses, holy magic and the physical destruction of the host. The mortal body can still be destroyed, if it is damaged severely a demon will no longer be able to operate it at all, though some varieties are capable of fully repairing a host body unless it is vaporized. This class of demon is also capable of possessing corpses and animals in addition to living beings. Class 2: These demons are possessed of their own bodies in the material world. Majority of these creatures are powerful and grotesque. They are closer to beasts than most of their brethren and as such lack critical thinking skills operating purely on instinct. These are somewhat less common compared to the other classes as the destruction they wantonly rain down attracts demon slayers. Usually quite large. Class 3: A subdivision of Class 2, these Demons are beast-like in nature but they have evolved past simple destruction. Often at least partially humanoid these demons act strategically, because they have higher brain functions they often utilize weapons or armour in their endeavors and like to take their time with kills. While Class 2s simply wreck havoc these types of demons attack specific people or places for specific purposes. After the fall of Veiron this class of demon meticulously hunted down the smiths that were capable of forging enchanted weapons and slaughtered them. The oldest of them still possess these mystical artifacts. Class 4: These hellspawn possess both a physical and spirit form. As such they are much more difficult to kill. When their physical form is destroyed their spirit lives on and is capable of creating a new body for itself by possessing a human host. It will then incubate itself within the mortal (normally a woman) for a long period of time using the flesh all around it to construct a new body. When it emerges the human perishes and the new body resembles a bloody mass of flesh at which time it is vulnerable. It will distort and grow quickly assuming the form the demon had prior to being destroyed. In times of need when injured these demons can possess a human to recuperate however they are unable to possess something already dead. Unlike Djinn the hosts of these creatures rarely survives. When newly created the essence of these demons is still tied to the body it is created with. Over time it learns to detach from its own body in case of emergency but before it learns, this class of demon is vulnerable to dying as it will perish with its body if killed. This means that these demons are only truly vulnerable before reaching maturity. Their spirit forms can be destroyed in much the same way as that of as a Djinn however they are much more resilient. Creatures of the Abyss: These are the Greater demons of myth and legend. The truly terrifying beasts that have not been seen in the mortal world since the dawn of man. These are the original demons. The progenitors of all that rain terror down on the earth today. No one escapes an encounter with these beasts alive without a miracle to save them. [hider=Djinn] [url=http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Mark%20of%20the%20Demons/Storm%20Demons_zpspnrua8oq.jpg]Storm Demons:[/url] Cunning and prideful these demons command powerful storm magic which they use to rain lightning and other natural weathers down on their prey. Without a host these demons appear as thin grey masses of smoke, though this smoke is capable of assuming the shape of any host they have inhabited in the past Storm Demons do not like to remain in this form. They enter a host through their victims breath and once in the lungs take control of the soul. They are capable of possessing corpses or living creatures of all shapes and sizes but being extremely vain they prefer flawless living humans as hosts. To this effect they will often employ a number of rituals to ensure that their vessels do not scar when injured. Unlike other possession demons who will corrupt the original personality of the host or invade the body without the hosts knowledge these demons take direct control over those they possess. The hosts too weak to contain them burst into flames. [url=http://orig10.deviantart.net/cda4/f/2012/188/1/8/ghoul_by_goatlord51-d5207db.jpg]Ghouls[/url][url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/2/2c/Feral_ghoul_attacking.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140309070413]:[/url] Spirit demons that must possess the corpses of the dead to live in the mortal world. The dead they possess continue to decay as they use them and as such Ghouls must ingest human flesh which can repair the deteriorating body. Because of this ghouls usually look fairly dead as their flesh rots from their bones. These demons are insanely strong as the flesh they eat builds their muscles though often because of this very same effect they are quite skinny in other areas with bones showing through the flesh. Overtime they stop even bearing a resemblance to a mortal except for their humanoid appearance. Their bodies become dense and are difficult to damage. [url=http://pre10.deviantart.net/1f50/th/pre/i/2014/014/e/f/guardian_of_chaos_by_arsfeb-d6t3jib.jpg]Wild One:[/url] These demons exist in forested, unpopulated areas. They seek out large mammals, including humans, who have lost their way, and possess them as they eat. The Wild One’s host gains physical strength and stamina, despite an emaciated form; its face, whether man or beast, grows a ghastly bone-like mask, as well as any number of antlers. The host also dines exclusively on meat, ever more aggressively and voraciously. If killed, a Wild One remains trapped in its host’s dead body, and with an insidious and foul magic keeps it fresh and unnaturally appetizing should any mammal happen its way. [url=http://pre10.deviantart.net/41be/th/pre/f/2012/327/8/f/assasin_maybe_by_penett-d5lw7bc.jpg]Revenant:[/url] Type 1 demons that possess the corpses of recently-dead humans. Unlike ghouls, revenants ‘revive’ their host bodies and sustain them in a lifelike state, though it is not difficult to tell when looking at one that something’s off. As a tradeoff for this indefinite revival process, the revenant is governed by an echo of the host's mind, though single-mindedly driven toward revenge. Revenants are more attracted to the bodies of those with tragic deaths, and after reanimating, tirelessly pursue those judged responsible to claim their own lives. The longer a revenant’s mission goes unfulfilled, the more warped the corpse becomes, until finally the revenant starts choosing targets indiscriminately. Should a revenant kill its target, the host body disintegrates and the revenant spirit is set free. Revenants are looked down on and often killed by other demons who regard their being influenced by their hosts as a weakness. [/hider] [hider=Class 2] [url=http://www.santharia.com/pictures/mitra_rodi/mitra_rodi_pics/imps.jpg]Gremlins:[/url] Also called Imps or Ankle Biters these are the lowest class of demon. These creatures are both small and unintelligent. They have no particular special skills but they are carnivorous. They eat human meat. Though not altogether strong these creatures appear in large numbers to take down a healthy human. Often they will hide in tall grass or in natural terrain looking for an opportunity to strike. Their biggest advantage lies in numbers and stealth, otherwise they are easily dispatched. [url=http://pre06.deviantart.net/be98/th/pre/i/2014/054/3/a/guinu_by_fangwangllin-d77n571.jpg]Kyodai-na:[/url] Better known as Kyos, these six-foot-tall brutes wield great strength and a hunger for destruction. They prefer to level homes, towns, and all that humans hold dear rather than attack humans themselves. Though mighty and hearty, they are by no means quick, and easy prey for an adept demon slayer. [url=http://orig10.deviantart.net/c1cf/f/2009/023/2/1/lotro__mazog_update_by_gorrem.jpg]Looter Demon:[/url] Deprived of sentience, these demons are slaves to two basic desires: eat to live, and live to take. They lust after anything of value, collecting it and carrying it on themselves. Not much stronger than the average adult, they can attack with sudden viciousness but lack stamina. Working in small groups, Looter Demons attempt to gang up on potential foes, unwittingly covering for one another’s weaknesses by preventing an enemy from taking advantage of them. [/hider] [hider=Class 3] [url=http://pre00.deviantart.net/a587/th/pre/i/2014/281/a/5/beacon___draconian_warmaiden_by_joshcorpuz85-d824fck.jpg]Dracomaid:[/url] Fearsome beasts also known as Dragon Girls or Redscales, Dracomaids are wild beasts despite looking in part like human women. Unlike other tauroid demons, the Dracomaids’ forelegs are arms in their own right, capable of grabbing, ripping, and even climbing. Therefore, in addition to brutish strength, nasty claws, a lashing tail, and highly durable scales, these demons also sport remarkable mobility. In terms of size, Dracomaids’ human halves are about as large as an ordinary womens’, if not a little larger. Typically encountered wielding various all-metal polearms with which to defend their vulnerable upper halves, Dracomaids are not to be underestimated. They prefer warm climates. [url=http://pre08.deviantart.net/9cb2/th/pre/i/2013/180/9/b/the_daemon_rider_by_eyardt-d6b6ksf.jpg]Khnum Demon:[/url] Of the tauroid demons, Khnum Demons are the least mobile but the most durable. While their goatlike legs can carry them only forward and backward, with degrees of turning based on current speed, their armor and even their monstrous horns can deflect weapon attacks, while their absurdly oversized weapons become deadly given their terrifying strength and martial poise. Less mindlessly destructive and vicious than many other physical demons, Khnum Demons serve as the knights of their kind, fighting with a skill in addition to raw power that makes them perhaps among the most deadly. Befitting their elevated status, they can speak, though all but the choicest words are reserved from the despicable humans. [url=http://img13.deviantart.net/0fab/i/2011/142/f/9/god_od_tyranny_by_verehin-d3gm5s3.jpg]Cu Sith:[/url] Cu Siths are vicious abominations outdoing elephants in height if not weight, and with the raw, obliterating power to level entire cities if not checked. Wielding giant axes, armored limbs like clubs, and spiked, whiplike tails, they are among the most lethal of physical demons if not fought with caution and keen, quick intellect. Their thunderous, shrieking roars have earned the species the title ‘Ruin Caller’, among other, more curse-intensive nicknames. Drawn to bloodshed and hatred, they can swat down armies, but they are not without weaknesses. These tyrants of the demon world, judging by their dislike of sunlight and susceptibility to blindness, have weak eyes, though any mortal would be hard-pressed to utilize such a fault against such a mountain of demonic might.[/hider] [hider=Class 4] [url=http://pre00.deviantart.net/c5d9/th/pre/f/2013/094/a/a/aa608a56422c97e90b33054d0ef7c3c8-d60fej5.jpg]Bloody Maiden:[/url] Demons that manifest as entities of living blood and rough, gray flesh. In a manner similar to a bloodborne pathogen, the spirit form of the Bloody Maiden relies on blood contamination to spread from destroyed body to infected host, but can in fact be shared between two human hosts if the hosts remain in close proximity. After an incubation period, during which the victim’s blood beats slowly hotter and faster, the host’s body bursts in a shower of viscera that reassembles itself into the form of a seven-foot-tall, abhorrent woman, regardless of the host’s original gender. During their immaturity, Bloody Maidens are less cautious and easier to find, and their hemomancy is underdeveloped. With frightening speed, however, the Bloody Maiden grows to maturity, ending up between eight and nine feet tall, sporting complex and layered ‘dresses’, and boasting deadly, destructive hemomancy along with the ability to shift into a mimicry of its original form. A Bloody Maiden’s hemomancy only spreads the demon’s consciousness if its body is destroyed. [url=http://orig07.deviantart.net/2fef/f/2012/038/3/2/nightgaunt_by_eclectixx-d4p0qyy.jpg]Nightgaunt:[/url] Known to legends as Blackhearts, The Evil Within, and Stalkers. Though more common than other type 4s, Nightgaunts provide an exception to the usual process that characterizes their dreadful kind. Existing as spirits in the form of noxious miasma, Nightgaunts enter a host that inhales the poisonous smog. Once inside a host, the process begins. The demon begins to form, full-size, inside the host’s body, becoming a dark shell around their skeletal system that slowly expands until the host is merely a human shell surrounding a demonic interior. Depending on the rate of growth, the Nightgaunt’s wings, tail, and horns may sprout through the shell and give away the infestation, leading those afflicted to seek spots of darkness and solitude. When the time comes, the human shell throws itself to its death, and from the lifeless corpse the demon within arises. Once killed, a Nightgaunt gradually reverts to a mobile miasma if its body is not disposed of. Fast, stealthy, and exhibiting lethal claws, Nightgaunts are deadly ambush predators, though what they do with their kills may never be known. [url= http://pre14.deviantart.net/927c/th/pre/i/2014/181/2/9/the_ancient_monster_by_fangwangllin-d7op3gj.jpg]Finned Bloat[/url] Bloats are a particularly formidable yet brutish variety of Type 4 demons. As spirits, they haunt dwellings they choose of their own accord, and frighten away trespassers, leading some to believe them to be benevolent. After a time, however, they select a woman among the dwelling’s inhabitants and possess her in her sleep, most often a wife or lover laying with her partner to disguise what comes next. Over the next few weeks, the woman becomes more and more obviously pregnant, as well as eating easily three times as much as normal. If there isn’t a steady supply of food available in any way, the woman in question will be possessed of a manic strength and resort to cannibalism of anyone she can find. Once the woman becomes so engorged that she can no longer move, the Finned Bloat emerges. Powerful and moronic creatures, the Bloats quickly swell to maturity themselves, thereafter deeming the dwelling in which it emerged its ‘home’ and protecting it at all costs. If killed after reaching full maturity, the de-powered flees many miles away, taking potential years to regenerate before it can seek another dwelling.[/hider] [hider=Creatures of the Abyss] [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/DVinfernoViolentInRainOfFire_m.jpg]"The First"[/url] The original demon, one so old that it predates the written word. Most hellspawn consider it their god who will one day return to the earth and purge it of mortal scum and tainted demons so that the pure blooded creatures of hell may take it back into their hands. [url=http://orig14.deviantart.net/07de/f/2015/137/9/7/shadow_demon_by_zillawarriors-d8tsyxs.jpg]Abbadon:[/url] One of the seven knights of the down under. Not much is known about this demon, it appears in ancient folklore and legend as a terrifying beast capable of swallowing whole towns in its jaws. In ancient myth Abbadon was the trusted right hand of "The First". Trusted with the keys to the Gates of the Abyss. The first time they were opened Abbadon was left to guard them, letting through only the demons that were considered worthy by the First. Because of this myth some say to this day it is bound to the Citadel of Veiron still guarding the Abyssal Gates against any fool who was dare to approach. [/hider]